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I'm very happy to bring back to (i386 Mac) life this very old but still working Alcatel USB Speedtouch ADSLmodems (mine is a blue manta ray model) . You will find in this post a port of the well know Opensource Alcatel Speedtouch USB firmware loader and a PPPoA module working over the standard OSX pppd. There's no gui integration for the moment, so configuration and connexion is actually made by hand using a Terminal with root access


Your Provider need to support PPPoA for connexion, PPPoE doesn't work now


This Driver is published under GNU OpenSource license


further informormation on those programs can be found here






otherwhise google can help




The current release have two major differences with the BSD or linux releases


1 - Modem_run is no longuer doing the ADSL line state monitoring


2 - PPPoa3 only run in async mode (-a)


3 - pppoa3 is only working in PPPoA





Regarding the NEEDED firmware file check google to locate the appropriate one for your modem (due to incompatible modems and firmware I cannot include this file for all the modems)

but this project is about 10 years old, so very good documentations already exist in all languages


therefore you can have a look here





1 - To install it unpack the pppoa3.zip and modem_run.zip and from a terminal with root access and copy them in /usr/sbin


run the terminal and type in the following commands (replacing folder with yours)


sudo -s (to get root access)


cp Desktop/your-decompression-folder/pppoa3 /usr/sbin


cp Desktop/your-decompression-folder/modem_run /usr/sbin



chmod 755 modem_run /usr/sbin/pppoa3


chown root:wheel modem_run /usr/sbin/pppoa3




2 - unpack your firmware file in /etc


cp Desktop/your-decompression-folder/yourfirmware_file /etc




3 - Create if it doesn't exist the directory /etc/ppp/peers


mkdir /etc/ppp/peers



4 - create a file called ppp0 in it

nano /etc/ppp/peers/ppp0




vi /etc/ppp/peers/ppp0 (for experts :-) )


5 - copy the following line in ppp0 ( be sure to remove tags at the top and the bottom of file )



and save the file (copy/paste works)


--- TAG ---

escape 0x7d

pty "sudo /usr/sbin/pppoa3 -a -p -c -vci 35 -vpi 8 -f /var/log/pppoa3.log"

user xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.fr

password xxxxxxxxxxx


logfile /var/log/ppp/ppp.log





lcp-echo-interval 10

lcp-echo-failure 10

lcp-max-failure 3

maxfail 1

holdoff 4


beware with sudo ... check the post regarding sudo bellow in this thread for sudo configuration


Replace the username and the password fields with yours. Check the VCI and VPI pppoa3 pa



ameters to match your providers' one


here is a short and incomplete list of vci's and vpi's


vpi.vci =

8.48 for Netherlands

8.35 for France

8.67 for France (bis)

8.35 for Belgium

8.35 for Italy

0.38 for UK





6 - to load your firmware type something like this


modem_run -s -f /etc/YourFirmwareFile


7 - to run your ppp connexion type


pppd call ppp0


sometime the driver doesn't work on the first time so it's necessary to kill -9 pppoa3 and modem_run before �retrying


The source Code will be shorty availlable on sourceforce










For simplicity reasons I will maintain this page for binaries updates as well as source code -please continue to use the rest of this forum for troubleshooting - feel free to ask


V3 is now released - sources and binaries available - major update is link control reenabled in modem_run and syslog logging for both binaries (now modem_run is running in background and watches and outpout line state in /var/log/system.log in such way as pppoa3 now does).




May 4 21:09:14 localhost modem_run[97]: [monitoring report] ADSL link went up\n

May 4 21:09:14 localhost modem_run[97]: ADSL line is up (1216 kbit/s down | 320 kbit/s up)\n

May 4 21:09:20 localhost modem_run[97]: [monitoring report] ADSL link went down\n

May 4 21:09:32 localhost modem_run[97]: [monitoring report] ADSL link went up\n

May 4 21:09:32 localhost modem_run[97]: ADSL line is up (1216 kbit/s down | 320 kbit/s up)\n



this will help a lot when dsl line is changing state quickly on first sync ...


to get this modify your /etc/syslog.cnf file in adding this line (nano or vi /etc/syslog.cnf)


*.* /var/log/system.log




and reboot you machine or restart your syslogd using launchctl


for speed issues check the post regarding firmware bellow in this thread - do not hesitate to try several firmwares


also included my launch script m.sh to run modem_run and AdslConnect.command.old.command a launch script to run you ppp connexion from your desktop ... both scripts may be adjusted to your local path :-(


speedtouch_v3_0.zip -- source code

launch_v1.zip -- shell scripts

modem_run_and_pppoa3_binaries_v3.zip -- precompiled binaries


----- 30-05-2011 -----------------------


hi great new PPPOE is now available using tuntap for OSX and my port of rp_pppoe






to make it work, untargz the latest binaries


run something like this


/etc/ppp/pppoa3 -b -vci 35 -vpi 8; /sbin/ifconfig tap0


to get tap interface on and this to get connection


pppd call pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I tap0" username YoULoginHere password YourPassHere


as previously pppoa3 is not an exact science ... do do hesitate to retry after


killall -9 pppoa3 pppd pppoe


another consideration tap0 interface is hardcoded :-( in pppoa3 ... do not try to change it







ps : execuse me for my english and the lack of very detailled instructions, installables packages ... but this project is very old and comunity help will troubleshoot and fix many misses or issues









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Neat, that got my hopes up, good job :)


It *almost* works, pppoa3 SegFaults on Kalyway 10.5.1 on an Acer Travelmate with the SpeedTouch 330 (Purple Stingray).

Yet at least modem_run did its Job like on *nix, getting the damn thing to at least get the ADSL connection up.

Unfortunately, using modem_run to upload the firmware doesnt seem to get neither SpeedtouchDiagnostics nor the Network Settings to actually find the modem.


Gonna try to get the pppoa3 source asap, and try to compile it myself. Till then, dunno :)


Greetings, BhaaL



I Know there's some special functions for release 4 modems


could you post your pppoa3 log file


/var/log/pppoa3.log and



be sure to run something like this


pppoa3 -a -p -c -v 3 -vci 35 -vpi 8 -f /var/log/pppoa3.log


You should now be able to see ppp and atm packets when interractively typing from the command prompt


The modem is not detected using the control panel nor the ppp connexion even when connected


but the ifconfig command should produce an output like this



ppp0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1492

inet --> netmask 0xff000000









There seems to be some odd problem with pppoa3...

The first call totally hangs and goes Zombie, neither Ctrl+C nor kill can actually kill it, it stays idle in ps:

root		148	0.0  0.0		0		0   ??	   <E	 8:42PM   0:00.00 (pppoa3)

Subsequent calls crash with the SEGFAULT, which seems to be caused by that one.


Starting pppoa3 with verbose level 3 didnt really help anything, it still goes zombie, and prints nothing at all.


Greetings, BhaaL





I Can't read your logfiles ...


could you copy/paste their content or send it to me directly ... I've a strange issue when installing leo kalyway 10.5.1 on my computer (got a 

lank but hi res graphic display but it never continues installation).  I will send you back the sourcefile which are not yet on sourceforge to try to compile directly on leo






Neither file seemed to be downloaded yet, worked for me tho:



Process:		 pppoa3 [251]
Path:			/usr/sbin/pppoa3
Identifier:	  pppoa3
Version:		 ??? (???)
Code Type:	   X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  sh [236]

Date/Time:	   2008-02-20 20:35:22.613 +0100
OS Version:	  Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
Report Version:  6

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000c0040897
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   pppoa3							0x00005192 pusb_endpoint_open + 15
1   pppoa3							0x00003704 main + 3485
2   pppoa3							0x000017be _start + 216
3   pppoa3							0x000016e5 start + 41

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
 eax: 0xc0040897  ebx: 0x00000000  ecx: 0x00000000  edx: 0x00102160
 edi: 0x00000001  esi: 0x00006544  ebp: 0xbffff8e8  esp: 0xbffff8a0
  ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00010286  eip: 0x00005192   cs: 0x00000017
  ds: 0x0000001f   es: 0x0000001f   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x00000037
 cr2: 0xc0040897

Binary Images:
0x1000 -	 0x6fff +pppoa3 ??? (???) /usr/sbin/pppoa3
  0x19000 -	0x22ff7  com.apple.iokit.IOUSBLib 3.0.0 (3.0.0) <07a7c9d3dc35bd53355b3bbf698e790e> /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle/Contents/MacOS/IOUSBLib
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe2d883  dyld 95.3 (???) <81592e798780564b5d46b988f7ee1a6a> /usr/lib/dyld
0x9039d000 - 0x904cffe7  com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.5 (476) <8bfebc0dbad6fc33bea0fa00a1b9ec37> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x9069e000 - 0x9077dfff  libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <5eda47fec2d0e7853b3506aa1fd2dafa> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x91b39000 - 0x91b3afef  libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
0x91bf5000 - 0x91c03ffd  libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <5ddd8539ae2ebfd8e7cc1c57525385c7> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
0x91c55000 - 0x91cdffff  com.apple.framework.IOKit 1.5.1 (???) <5176a7383151a19c962334009fef2c6d> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
0x91e5d000 - 0x91ebaffb  libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
0x92086000 - 0x920b0fef  libauto.dylib ??? (???) <d468bc4a8a69343f1748c293db1b57fb> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
0x93995000 - 0x93acdff7  libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <afcea652ff2ec36885b2c81c57d06d4c> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
0x93bf2000 - 0x93d4cfe3  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <8ecc83dc0399be3946f7a46e88cf4bbb> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
0x9598c000 - 0x959c2fff  com.apple.SystemConfiguration 1.9.0 (1.9.0) <7919d9588c3b0d556646e555b7193f1f> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration
0x959c3000 - 0x959cafe9  libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff  libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib



Info  >-1605632160< Vpi set to 8
Info  >-1605632160< Vci set to 48
Info  >-1605632160< Verbosity level set to 3
Info  >-1605632160< Schedule policy set to 0
Info  >-1605632160< Modem ID set to 1
Info  >-1605632160< Using ASync HDLC mode
Info  >-1605632160< Control pipe enabled
Info  >-1605632160< Previous instance cleaning enabled
Info  >-1605632160< Log filename set to /var/log/pppoa3.now.log
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1605632160< Control thread ready
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Debug >-1605632160< Pty descriptors : fdin=3, fdout=4
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1605632160< Modem found!
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1341648896< host  --> pppoa3 --> modem stream ready
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1341116416< modem --> pppoa3 --> host  stream ready
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1340583936< Named pipe successfuly created
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Info  >-1340583936< Named pipe thread ready
[Wed Feb 20 20:31:38 2008] Error >-1605632160< Woken by a sem_post event -> Exiting
Info  >-1605632160< Read from usb Canceled---------------------------------------------

[Wed Feb 20 20:35:22 2008] Info  >-1605632160< Control thread ready


Just made some space and installed XCode yesterday, so I could possibly try to compile em myself. Did you apply any modifications to the code, ie. rendering attempts to compile the original code useless?

You can mail me the source to (my forum username) at (int03) dot (cc) if you want me to try.


Greetings, BhaaL

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ... just to confirm the binaries provided previously are working with Leo ( I just recently upgraded to kalyway leo 1.5.1 and 10.5.3 ) even if modem_run output ugly message about fork()ing and a generate a core dump it still work and pppoa3 work even better than with Tiger ;-)

  • 1 month later...

no work here. my is old manta, ray [green? blue?]. This is the messages I got on terminal trying to load QKD6_3.012 or mgmt.o:


The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


OU_MUST_EXEC__() to debug.

The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


OU_MUST_EXEC__() to debug.

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The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


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The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


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The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


OU_MUST_EXEC__() to debug.

The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().


OU_MUST_EXEC__() to debug.

Info Found SpeedTouch USB modem

Info Modem revision: 0000

Info Best offset 36 with probability 100%

Info Best offset 983 with probability 100%

Info Firmware info (CRC:0xd80bf9f7, Size:991, Checked: Yes, Alcatel/Thomson Boot block (old))

Info Best offset 1027 with probability 100%

Info Best offset 762642 with probability 100%

Info Firmware info (CRC:0x78039fed, Size:762650, Checked: Yes, 3.0.6 - MacOSX - Win32)

Info BLOCK1 : 991 bytes uploaded : OK

Info BLOCK2 : 511 bytes downloaded : OK

Info BLOCK3 : 128 bytes uploaded : OK

Info BLOCK4 : 512 bytes downloaded : OKInfo Modem reference :

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)


then I have to Cmd+Tab, sudo killall modem_run


I tryed it with the modem connected at the ADSL line, but nope...

NOTHING works for this {censored}... Anyone have the same error messages?

  • 2 weeks later...



Info BLOCK4 : 512 bytes downloaded : OKInfo Modem reference : 

Info [monitoring report] ADSL link stays stable (down)



it don't get your mac @


modem reference should show your modem mac  address ... and it report a line down


check your modem light which take a while to become green or maybe a usb issue ...try to change you IOUSBFamily.kext or try to change your computer USB settings (bios) or use another USB Bus ... I Know there's some strange and different  behaviour depending on the USB hardware. The binaries are compiled for tiger ... modem run hang on leo even if it loads correctly the firmware... so because until it doesn't find the adsl line it continues to run .... so killall or kill -9 seems to be normal


I will post soon a packaged source and new binaries to fix the little leo issue found in previous threads





  • 3 months later...



just found how to get Full speed ...


get rid of your old firmware and update with release "Firmware info (CRC:0x94a45435, Size:526187, Checked: Yes, 1.3.3 - GNU/Linux - Win32)"  in fact 1.3.4


found interesting info here






can't find the exact link for the source package I have used,  sorry


thanks for update and feedback ... some download only complaints ... feel free to tell it works ;-)










  • 2 months later...


Are you referring to the last post in this thread, or something else?


I tried your method:

Both leds on the modem turn to green after running modem_run.

Running pppd call ppp0 doesn't give me any output, and no internet connection.



if your modems led are fix green it,s doesn't seem to be so bad ... meaning it have found the modem and the dsl connection 


check the log file (if they exist) ... in /var/log/pppoa3.log and /var/log/ppp/ppp.log to check what is not working ... I forgot to mention in the first thread if you're using sudo .. the /etc/sudoers should contain something like this 


ALL ALL= NOPASSWD: /your/pppoa3/path/pppoa3 -a -vci 35 -vpi 8 -f /var/log/pppoa3.log,


beware sudo is very sensible


otherwise post your log files ... I will check


kind regards



  • 1 month later...

I managed to connect using this how to and info from other sites,my modem is silver rev 4. But the problem is , i have only 1/3 of my connection bandwidth


My file in peers looks like this



pty "sudo /usr/sbin/pppoa3 -a -c -vci 35 -vpi 0"

user "xxxxx@xxxxxxxx"





lcp-echo-interval 10

lcp-echo-failure 10

lcp-max-failure 3

maxfail 1

holdoff 4


my password is in separate file chap-secrets and pap-secrets , because my isp uses this type of authentication.



This thread is my last hope.

Hi great this is working ... I had the same problem before as I mentioned earlier (half of the speed). The speed issue is comming from an outdated firmware ...


One day for some unknown reason it didn't work anymore for me on Tiger while it was still working with linux on the same hardware. After double checking the code and performing a lot of debug it wasn't working anymore. It took me a long time to understand it was comming from the firmware - in fact after changing it as the last hope solution - and it work again but this time with full speed


so use the url provided above. The page is containing a plenty of different firmware that you can try - this will surely fix your speed issue 


Otherwise great news, I will post soon new binaries with link control (re)enabled ... this will help those who have sync problems - some line sync up state are followed by a down and up state that the current binary isn't able to handle ... 





But i'm already using newest firmware (from linux ) and i checked few , even firmware from win 7. Could it be a problem with -a option for pppoa3? howtos for my provider are always without this one. But I can't connect without it.


Thanks for you work ;)


Btw. Do you know how to change dns servers for this connection?



-a stand for asynchronous mode which is mandatory to run pppoa3 OSX due to a lack of N_HDLC support in OSX (tiger) pppd needed for synchronous support. It neither work in PPPOE mode because the PPPOE OSX plugin which seems to running kernel mode  doesn't handle other devices than true ethernet device -ethX-  (I cannot make it work with a tun/tap support in OSX) while those other mode are reported to be working on Linux and *BSD


For the second Question regarding your resolvers check this 


lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Feb 14 2008 /etc/resolv.conf -> /var/run/resolv.conf


this is my outpout when my connexion is up ... the var /var/run/resolv.conf is created by pppd 


You can also check for new binaries and source code on the first post in this thread :-) availlable now





testing now



P.S. this link is dead in first post http://www.iie.uni.lodz.pl/cgi-bin/man/man2html?8+pppoa3


and vci vpi for poland is 0.35 (for Netia and Neostrada providers)



edit: No luck for me, half speed on any firmware tested, it looks like async problem on my connection, half is better than nothing tho :(. thank you for your work. Cheers

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