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How can i boot off an external harddrive


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I've just installed it on a usb external harddrives. What is exactly happening. For me i had trouble booting would go to a blinking cursor. It sounds to me you cant boot off of a USB device but at the same time it says something about booting something. It's confusing. what were your exact steps.

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I had a similar problem with my HP DV9060EA laptop. Tried to install to an external usb drive. All looked to have installed fine, but wouldn't boot after restart.


Had to use an external hard drive with power supply to get it to boot. Wouldn't work with external drive without power supply and power only from usb.

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Or to check before you do the Mac Partition "trick". You could try the rd=diskXsY boot flag X being the disk you installed too and Y being the partition. If you load the installer from the DVD and goto Disk Utilities, click your disk and "get information" it will say exactly which disk it is (mine happen to be disk2s1).

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