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wanting to update to latest version on Touch


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I have an iPod Touch. It is on the very first version jailbreaked. I have applications on it aswell. How do I update to 1.1.3 with it still being jailbroken?


Is there any way to back up applications or do they stay on when it is updated?



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1) Jailbreak 1.1.1 by visiting http://jailbreakme.com on the iPod, then install Oktoprep from installer.app

2) Find the 1.1.2 iPod touch firmware, save it to your computer.

3) Load iTunes, and click on the iPod in the left column.

4) Option+click "Update" and select the 1.1.2 firmware.

5) Download the 1.1.2 jailbreak: http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/1.1.2-jailbreak.zip

6) Run windows.bat if on windows, or run osx if on Mac. Intel only.

6) Add the repo in the post I linked to before.

7) Install the package (make sure you have auto-lock to NEVER and that the iPod is externally powered.

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For that I would need to downgrade again. Is there no way to fix this? I ran the 1.1.3 Jailbreak +APPS again but this time instead of errors it gets to about 3/4's of the Unstalling package and then seems to just stop. I came back half an out later but it still remained there. How long is it meant to take?

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It will look like it froze but what it is doing is downloading the firmware for the ipod, decrypting and jailbreaking the disk image and will reboot. It can take a while depending on the connection speed and if apples server is not getting hammered.

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After you jailbreak 1.1.2, add this to installer.app: http://ipodtouchmaster.com/files/repo.xml


Refresh your sources.


Go to "All Categories" and install BSD Subsystem. Close installer.app.


Go back to installer.


The third category down will be "1.1.3 Jailbreak+Apps". Tap that and install the package that is called "1.1.3 Jailbreak+iPhone Apps!". Hit install.


You will now have 1.1.3 jailbroken plus the iPhone apps for free when it reboots (the script will appear to stall, let it work).

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Check under the "iPhone 1.1.3 Applications" category and install "The iPhone 1.1.3 Apps" package (if you have installer). If not, then try the process over again. Other than that, I dunno what to tell you other than to wait till Zibree releases the 1.1.3 jailbreak for the iPod touch which doesn't need to be "soft-upgraded" and instead jailbreaks 1.1.3 OOTB.

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