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Good Morning Friends!


I'm opening this thread to tell a lot of problems that are happening with my iPod Touch, and discuss with other people if this are happening too.


After jailbreak (With iJailBreak Installer method, and DevTeam Installer Method) my iPod made a lot of mistakes:


- Wrong battery metering

- Entering a lot of times in recovery mode after battery at 10%

- Error on Safari - Made iPod freeze screen, stop to answer buttons, screen touchs - after, enter in recovery

- Error on MobileFinder - enter in recovery


I dont know if original Apple Firmware also have this problems... If anyone having this problems, let talk about here. Solutions are welcome!

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I did all of that with the exception of the last, I used the Elite Team jailbreak for 1.1.3.


Jailbreakme.com now jailbreaks 1.1.1, installs the latest installer.app and also installs Oktoprep in one shot, but i recommend installing the actual package as well from installer.app to make sure it takes.


Then, jailbreak 1.1.2, and afterwards, add this to your installer sources: http://ipodtouchmaster.com/files/repo.xml


Then, install the 1.1.3 Jailbreak package, let it sit (it will seem like it froze), and the iPod touch will automatically restart.


There is now an app you can install to run the jailbreak right from your home screen, which is using the DevTeam jailbreak: http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32332

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