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At around 7:05 PM(GMT -8:00) Nullriver officially released the latest version of Installer.app. This version doesn't include many major changes, but here are the big ones:

-When upgrading Installer, it checks if at least 512KB is free

-Proper Keyboard when adding new sources (so it isn't mucky anymore)

-Automatic refresh every 12 hours instead of 24 hours


Ok, well maybe it wasn't that big, but it's official now. Yay!



BTW, I am sure I am the first one to post this anywhere. :P



Just updated to installer 3.0 on JB 1.1.3. Thought it may have fixed some installation issues I've been having since I Official Dev Team (Installer) updated my iPhone.


It didn't.


To be perfectly clear, I now can't launch Installer.app without it crashing immediately.


I suspect it has something to do with the new mobile vs. root account permissions but I'm not certain. I'll have to read a bit more on the subject.....


I guess its another cycle of downgrading back to 1.1.1 and starting again.....


While it may work for some folks, the new version certainly didn't work for me. Good luck with your testing....



Not on last install. I virginized the phone to take it from 1.1.1->1.1.2 (paused to do BSD Sys update, OktoPrep, Installer update prior to tonites Installer 3.0 update) and commenced installing apps natively.


After a few apps, I noticed not all were installing correctly (expected due to not alll devs have tested thier apps in 1.1.3) and left it till tonite.


I had no issues with the apps that were installed but new apps would not install (with Icons)


SSH to the phone does show the <applicatio>.app packages as there but not all of them contain data (ie empty as if Installer hiccuped at the install phase.)


I was hoping this version of Installer.app would fix the issue, but it succumbed to the same gremlins as my other attempts at installing new progs.


To clarify, my latest install of 1.1.3 (via the Official Dev Team 1.1.3 Installer) had none of the issues reported with some installs (no network problems, no email issues, no Mobilemaps issues)


I do suspect it is most likely a permissions thing on the phone so I will read a bit more on what permission should be on the phone and change them manually (via SSH) but as for the Panacea I was looking for at least, this wasn't it.....



isn't the add to Queue function also a new feature? Cuz thats pretty nice.

@Sunlizzard: I have had this issue once before to with 3.0b9, I luckily had installed that FTP program, I connected with my Ipod touch, then downloaded the Installer.app files(which sometimes are hard to find), and then it worked again! hope it helps

Not on last install. I virginized the phone to take it from 1.1.1->1.1.2 (paused to do BSD Sys update, OktoPrep, Installer update prior to tonites Installer 3.0 update) and commenced installing apps natively.


After a few apps, I noticed not all were installing correctly (expected due to not alll devs have tested thier apps in 1.1.3) and left it till tonite.


I had no issues with the apps that were installed but new apps would not install (with Icons)


SSH to the phone does show the <applicatio>.app packages as there but not all of them contain data (ie empty as if Installer hiccuped at the install phase.)


I was hoping this version of Installer.app would fix the issue, but it succumbed to the same gremlins as my other attempts at installing new progs.


To clarify, my latest install of 1.1.3 (via the Official Dev Team 1.1.3 Installer) had none of the issues reported with some installs (no network problems, no email issues, no Mobilemaps issues)


I do suspect it is most likely a permissions thing on the phone so I will read a bit more on what permission should be on the phone and change them manually (via SSH) but as for the Panacea I was looking for at least, this wasn't it.....




I have the exact same issues. My details exactly the same but more specifically (if it helps) I upgraded to jb 1.1.3 the dev team way through iClarified repo. And afterward I deleted iTunes_Control folder so i could recover a backup. Installer has been working till update. Same as above some apps would not install (actually installer crashes at end of install) but ssh shows .app's. Weird.


I think it might be a limit of apps that can be there at one time because I would uninstall an app then be able to install one more. (the same one that just failed). Now installer just crashes.


Will try to replace Installer.app and share results...

Ok, so I basically had to replace new installer, install boss tool and move stuff from my totally full system partition.


1) put installer app "http://repository.apptapp.com/packages/System/Installer.zip" in iPhone /Applications.


2) ssh into phone and:

rm -rf Installer.app

chmod +s Installer.app/Installer

chown -R root:wheel Installer.app


3) add the source sleepers.net/iphonerepo


4) install Utilities=>BossTool


5) Use BossTool

Thanks hackedintosh!! you solution work perfectly!


Once i was done replacing installr.app it told me there was an update, i applied it and it works just fine.


fro the noob out there here is a expanded version of ur instructions:


1 download http://repository.apptapp.com/packages/System/Installer.zip

2 download Fugu (mac only - im not sure about a windows alternative)

3 ssh to your iphone - open terminal and enter 'ssh root@<iphone address>'

4 enter your root password

5 type 'cd /Applications'

6 type rm -rf Installer.app

7 open fuzu - enter the ipaddress of the phone in address and root as the user.

8 enter the password when asked

9 change the folder to application and drag installer.app into the iphone window. This will copy the file over

10 go back to terminal and type 'chmod +s Installer.app/Installer'

11 next type 'chown -R root:wheel Installer.app'


That should be installer running again!

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