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I'd like to find an application that:

- run at startup.

- record the income/outcome traffic on my Mac, store the records by date.

- I can view the log/report of 1 day, 2 days or a month accordingly.


The reason for this is my internet line this month causes a lot of money, but I didn't use that much, so I want to watch my mac to find the solution for this issue.

If anyone has any apps that have those features, please suggest me. Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure, but NetBarrier do it and it's also a firewall

NB is a pay toy and I didn't use it too much already.


go here: http://www.intego.com/netbarrier/




I use littlesnitch 2

Good for fast monitoring in/out-coming traffic and in my opinion and this is the best firewall for mac.

Another pay toy, but this one deserve to have or you can figure a way to get a "jack copy" on broken rocks...


go here: http://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html



thanks for your reply, but the main feature I need here is recording the traffic weight of each day, and each month. I don't really need to see "what kind of apps are trying to connect to/from my computer", but I need to see "how many bytes does it take to connect each day/month".

If you have any kind of that apps, please tell me. I really appreciate all your support.

Moreover, the site of NetBarrier is dead :censored2:, I can only test Little Snitch :D.

Once again, thanks for your reply, cabron. :D

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