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here are a few details about my system first:

AMD 64 3400+ (SSE2/SSE3) Uli chipset

Asrock 939 Dual Sata2

256mb Geforce 7300 GS


120gb IDE hd with vista installed

60gb IDE western digital hd (blank)

Lite On DVD-RW



I have this install dvd:



My plan is to install Leopard on the blank 60gb HD, and use the bios to determine which OS to boot. So i boot from the Leopard DVD, and it doesnt even make it to the install screen, instead hanging and displaying "Still waiting for root device" I have tried -v after hitting f8, but no luck.


Any ideas what I should try?

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here are a few details about my system first:

AMD 64 3400+ (SSE2/SSE3) Uli chipset

Asrock 939 Dual Sata2

256mb Geforce 7300 GS


120gb IDE hd with vista installed

60gb IDE western digital hd (blank)

Lite On DVD-RW



I have this install dvd:



My plan is to install Leopard on the blank 60gb HD, and use the bios to determine which OS to boot. So i boot from the Leopard DVD, and it doesnt even make it to the install screen, instead hanging and displaying "Still waiting for root device" I have tried -v after hitting f8, but no luck.


Any ideas what I should try?

if you are getting still waiting for root device you should mess around with the jumper settings on you dvd drive and hdd(if you have 2 dvd-roms unplug one of them and set the jumper to master/single drive)


Have you tried pressing f8 and typing vanilla then booting into the install?

lol rev 1 doesn't support vanilla

do you have your sata and ide controllers set to AHCI in bios?
not sure, ill have to check this out.
if you are getting still waiting for root device you should mess around with the jumper settings on you dvd drive and hdd(if you have 2 dvd-roms unplug one of them and set the jumper to master/single drive)lol rev 1 doesn't support vanilla
will give this a try and do a single dvd drive. the mac hdd is set as slave and the vista hdd is set as master, will this make a difference?unplugging the 2nd dvd-rom making the plugged in drive master does nothing.same error.ahci....couldnt find anything like it in my bios, where is it found?http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...mp;#entry288297this one seems to suggest tiger will work, but no sound/lan. :whistle: any fixes? should i keep trying with leopard?
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