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I am currently in the market for either an iPhone (unlcoked to run a t-mobile sim card), or i'm going to get an iPod Touch or an iPod classic. I'd really like an unlocked iPhone but finding one with 1.1.2 is not seeming to be easy (At&T is selling phones with 1.1.3 and the local Apple store does not sell them).

So if anyone has one they'd like to sell, post your price, i'd perfer it unlocked, but will not nessicarily turn someone down because its not.

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Unlocking your own iPhone is not that hard. I was one of the first to unlock mine with software, before AnySim was even released and I was scared to update for fear of bricking my phone... Two days ago I spent about 4 hours flashing, wiping and reflashing my phone over and over again and I can tell you that if you mess something up, you can easily wipe it clean and try again. I'm at 1.1.1 perfectly unlocked and will update to 1.1.3 when the jailbreak is released.


That being said, people are hard pressed to sell their iPhones once they get them updated and working, you'd have to make it VERY worth it.

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