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on my computer i have a quad boot.. XP/Vista/Leopard/Leopard Update tester. I have a perfect install with vanilla and everything and everytime there is a new update i test it on my junk 10gb instatll of leopard. If install is succesfull on that partition then i go onto my main install. I would recommend a similiar setup cause u can never be too sure.

An semi-unrelated question, do you guys expect this new update to increase compatibilty with alot of new hardware, i assume it will cause its addressing all the new apple products of coming out.


My machine run with Toh rc2 10.5.1 + vanilla kernel + efi emulator and it's able to upgrade system using Apple Upgrade.

I think it depends by the efi emulator, In my opinion it allows the system to be recorgnized by Apple like a PPC and in that case it can be upgraded...

It is impossible to know - but either way it will be a good thing. If it works, then it works. If it doesn't work, then it is an excellent chance to see if Time Machine REALLY DOES WORK on a Hackintosh!(for me at least - it seems to me like Time Machine is more useful to Hackintosh owners than it is to Mac owners for just this reason! Too many times I tried to tweak something and wound up having to do a reinstall. Now I can just do a restore! Best part - the drive I am using for my TM backup used to be my Vista drive).

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