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AMD users get SCREWED


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Okay...I like MANY others own a laptop with an AMD processor. AMD is AWESOME, but we get screwed on osx86 bc everybody makes it hard for us to install Mac OS. Has anyone on here successfully installed Leopard on an AMD system? if so wanna help a guy out. i have tried multiple times but i cant figure it out?? I have an AMD Turion 64X2. with a Quanta motherboard... Chipset NVIDIA GeForce 6150 and NVIDIA nForce 410/430 MCP (southbridge)...i dont know what to do, but i want this OS leopard alot!

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You dont exactly get screwed, and people aren't deliberately making it hard for AMD users. Intel users get it first purely because Apple already use Intel processors, and the code is pretty much there. AMD will come juts as it has in the past, and apparently an AMD dvd is coming either soon or is out now.

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Okay...I like MANY others own a laptop with an AMD processor. AMD is AWESOME, but we get screwed on osx86 bc everybody makes it hard for us to install Mac OS.

There's a reason they are referred to as "Intel Macs."


Apple uses Intel processors, therefore PCs with Intel processors have an instant advantage. Apple doesn't need to support AMD processors, because they don't sell any computers that use them. They are certainly not obligated to do US any favors.


The general rule of thumb seems to be "the closer your PC is to what a real Intel Mac uses, the better your chances with OS X." This makes perfect sense. People with AMD processors, nVidia motherboards, Creative Labs soundcards.. these people made these choices and have to deal with the consequences of those choices. If you can't run OS X, you either build a rig that can, OR you forget OS X and just run Windows or Linux or whatever.


Pfft.. my laptop has an Intel CPU and an Intel chipset and I *still* can't use both cores, sleep, SpeedStep, or my flash card slot so ya know, even a very Intel machine isn't going to be totally OS X friendly.

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This is the type of thing that confuses me about the whole OSX86 concept. The two greatest things about OSX is the security, and the stability. Stability cones from Apple's tight restrictions on supported hardware. As an owner of a 24" iMac, I decided to build a Hackintosh PC just as a hobby.


When selecting hardware for my hackintosh I purposely choose items that was the closest to a real Mac. I wouldn't dream of giving up the stability just to save a couple bucks. Running OSX on non native hardware just gives people the wrong impression of how great an OS it really is and just fuels Apple to discourage projects like this.

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C'mon with Marvin's Utility what's the hassle?


You can even patch the binaries before they are installed, you can install updates run the patcher directly or make a cpuids and decrypted files then at boot you apply the pathces and replace the files.


Another thing is the chipset you are using, since Kexts are not created for non Apple (yeah Intel).


Even some with Intel processors can never get Mac OS working because some chipsets are out drivers/kexts.

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