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MOTU 828 MKII Firewire on P5B-E problem...HELP


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The MOTU works as such... but audio stutters constantly with little high pitched beeps. Totally unuseable as one can imagine. This happens within OSX (itunes etc..) aswell as Logic. Really down about this as I've spent alot of money on my new hackintosh setup only to have it unseable.


It is worth pointing out the onboard motherboard audio worked fine, even in logic. I have read some posts relating to legit mac setups, with suggestions that apple rleased updates with 10.4.10 that improved glitching with intel based macs.


There are many people using this interface with the same install of OSX (JaS 10.4.8 INTEL & AMD SSE 3) , and similar motherboards. What the hell can be wrong ? IRQ sharing for the firewire controller maybe?


Any thoughts hugely appreciated


(edit: sorry this should be in hadware really shouldnt it)

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The MOTU works as such... but audio stutters constantly with little high pitched beeps. Totally unuseable as one can imagine. This happens within OSX (itunes etc..) aswell as Logic. Really down about this as I've spent alot of money on my new hackintosh setup only to have it unseable.


It is worth pointing out the onboard motherboard audio worked fine, even in logic. I have read some posts relating to legit mac setups, with suggestions that apple rleased updates with 10.4.10 that improved glitching with intel based macs.


There are many people using this interface with the same install of OSX (JaS 10.4.8 INTEL & AMD SSE 3) , and similar motherboards. What the hell can be wrong ? IRQ sharing for the firewire controller maybe?


Any thoughts hugely appreciated


(edit: sorry this should be in hadware really shouldnt it)


Bump! could a mod move this to hardware please?



Com'on guys... any ideas pleeeeeeeeeeeease?

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does the interface work fine within windows?


also in the bios, try disabling all non-essential chipsets (network, raid [unless it's in use], onboard audio etc) aswell as removing all PCI cards, just to make sure there's no conflict that way


also if you get the chance, try another firewire interface and/or controller

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  • 1 year later...
Turns out the onboard firewire on the Asus P5B-E doesn't work 100% as many state, at least not in all circumstances! Got a Firewire card for £15 and its now working like a dream :P


Mmm got the same problem but my FW worked great before.

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