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Last night I accidentily deleted my mach_kernel. It should still be in my trashcan but I cant log back on to osx. The kernel i deleted was a backup i believe it was in my osx drive folder. Isnt the main mach_kernel systems folder? Anyway has anyone else had a problem with being an idiot and deleting it.

Much appreciated



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Boot from the installer disk and go to Terminal.

cd /Volumes/YourDiskName/Users/YourUsername/.Trash/

cp mach_kernel /Volumes/YourDiskName/


before he can cd to the harddrive, he must mount it, so he can find out this by doing this:


it will display all of that he has (partitions and harddrives)

or like this

cd /Volumes/


than mount the harddrive (or partition)

mount -uw Name_Of_The_Partition_Or_The_HardDRive_Name

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  • 3 years later...
Boot from the installer disk and go to Terminal.

cd /Volumes/YourDiskName/Users/YourUsername/.Trash/

cp mach_kernel /Volumes/YourDiskName/


would someone please explain how to boot from the disc in the first place?


I have this same issue.


thanks =)


edit: ended up using MacDrive on my Win7 partition to replace the missing files, which fixed my problem.

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would someone please explain how to boot from the disc in the first place?


I have this same issue.


thanks =)

This is a three year old thread so the people may not even be active members anymore. I gave you the link for you to get the terminal commands you need.


How did you install, a distro? If so just start with that disc, click through until you see the menus at the top of screen and go to Utilities/terminal.

after you have finished with terminal close it and abort the install and restart.

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