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Hey guys, I'm just in the process of getting my Intel C2D running osx and was just wondering...

I have Logic Pro legit that installed in my HackinMac but as I look for pluggins, most of the plugs are only vst only not AU.

So as I'm looking to purchase legit plugs I wondered, is an intel PC running Mac osx86 considered an intel mac or a ppc mac?

Thanks, hey if anyone knows where to find some AU quality plugs, it'd be appreciated!


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Hey guys, I'm just in the process of getting my Intel C2D running osx and was just wondering...

I have Logic Pro legit that installed in my HackinMac but as I look for pluggins, most of the plugs are only vst only not AU.

Hmm that's weird. I feel the opposite is true, there's more UB plugs as AU than VST. I'm an old Cubaser so I have to go through NI Kore to be able to use AU plugins in Cubase 4. Even that is still a bit dodgy and not guaranteed to work.

What makes you think there's more VST than AU?


Check out KVR, probably the most complete site for plugins.


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Logic 7.2.3 right up to date with the usb dongle.

I know I'm being a jerk but when looking for Au plugs on Pirate Bay etc, they are only vst's, vsti's with a few Au's.

I know I'm running an intel CPU but I thought I read somewhere that the PPC code was hacked to get X86?

e.g I've run ezdrummer Au installer and it doesn't show up in Logic at all, so I was wondering if V1.0 was a UB installer or if that's what I need to get.

Thanks anywho


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