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This is the notebook with unsupported graphics HD2500 from Pentium CPU.

Is the hackintosh possible here? Yes!



Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2117U @ 1.80GHz

MSR 0xE2 is locked without any possibility to unlock it.

IGPU: Model=Intel HD Graphics 2500 (Intel)  deviceID=0x0156

LAN: Atheros (8172?), deviceID=0x10A0

WiFi is broken, so I used USB Realtek RTL8188EU which works fine in Mojave.

Audio: Conexant Smart Audio.

RAM: 4Gb


It looks like hackintosh is impossible but... I can make an attempt. I installed here Mojave 10.14.6

Bootloader is Clover 5151.

SMBIOS as MacBookAir5,1. This is very special model for many drivers.

Quirks - all are default for Clover.

CPU works without problems. C- and P-states provided by Clover. Intel SpeedStep works from 800 up to 1800MHz, turbo not supported at hardware.

KernelPM=true to protect from locked 0xE2

LAN works with AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext by Mieze.

WiFi has own driver provided by manufacture TP-Link.

Audio works with VoodooHDA. No problem.

RAM is too small. Anyway it is enough for macOS 10.14.6.

WebCamera works OOB.

TouchPad works with ApplePS2SmartTouchpad v4.6.8 by EMlyDinEsh (c)2016.


Graphics works in VESA mode so without hardware acceleration. 

To do this I applied 





->ig-platform-id=0x01620023 - this is the magic value that I enter Desktop and works in VESA mode with software OpenGL.

Results I already reported Unsupported graphics is not death warrant


DSDT is the big issue.

First I make the series of standard Fixes by Clover. Then I saved the result and continue patching manually.

To make the battery working I have to use Rehabman manual to convert 16bit values to pairs of 8bits. Also 256bit values to some procedures.

I don't know why but ECEnabler is not help me.

There are also warnings and mistakes which is better to correct.

Anyway I still have many ACPI errors in kernel log while the battery now works with the kext VoodooBatterySMC from HWSensors3 project

This kext was updated for this notebook because manufacture didn't provide Design Capacity. As well HWMonitorSMC is updated also to work with this hardware.

May be later I will improve DSDT to make more technology be working.


Sleep is not working. As graphics is not supported.

Brightness is not working. As graphics is not supported.


Anyway the computer is working and usefull.





This application is necessary for the kext VoodooBatterySMC to poll the results.

ACPIBatteryManager by Rehabman is not fully working on this hardware.




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Awesome solution! This is a little easier as it's Ivy Bridge. Mine is Jasperlake which is some weird low powered varient of Icelake.... Will give it a shot tho! - Ignore this, literally just tested it and got my first kernel panic instead of a black screen!

Edited by bezzzles
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