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Hello !

I recently build a new config and was trying to reinstall my hackintosh (10.15.4) but I ran into some trouble...


The EFI SMBIOS is registered as a MacPro7,1
The config is: Ryzen 9 3950x, MSI X570 Gaming Pro Carbon Wifi and a MSI RTX 5700 XT Gaming X
I followed and read every step from the detailed tutorial from https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Desktop-Guide/ and everything is going smooth, downloading is going +- 20/25 minute and then the reboot I pick to boot on drive where macOS Installer is located but shortly after the macOS Installer.app is having from my understanding a Kernel related issue.

Installer Log: https://pastebin.com/raw/DhGZMkNg
OpenCore Log: https://pastebin.com/raw/hnH18j1W

But my EFI seems using the recommended patch for the Zen series so I'm unsure at this point what is causing the issue, so if someone with a better knowledge could check it out and help me trying figure it out :clap:

I've already tried an only amd forum but Ive never actually got any answer.


EDIT: The SSD target for installation is a WD Black NVME N750D 500Go



Edited by bornzaim
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