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hello yall!

i was lucky enough to get maldon help for this asus h97m-e/csm build with a core i5 4440 and 16GB ddr3 (MSI GeForce GT710 2GB)...was updatable till 10.14.3...but i got the update to 10.14.4 right when it was available, n it didn't work...everything booted nicely, but after verbose i got a black screen, just like the one i got with mojave/high sierra when i didn't had the latest smc...

i think it might be that, the fakesmc, but i couldn't tell if it aint the nvidia graphics board...nvidia is now out of hackintosh game i guess...but this gt710 is very compatible, n i don't think they changed the requirements in the middle of a build...

also now on 10.14.3 i can't log to App Store...dont know why, cause i was checkin that app on the daily, n never got a problem under 14.3 (i can log in iTunes and books, seems there's a problem with 14.3 for App Store i didn't realize before)

everything is nice besides that, n i whipped the drive n reinstalled mojave, then i updated to 14.3 with the update combo dmg from apple...i can only think of your help guys, since the fakesmc´s didn't update no mo lately (rehabman´s)...

Edited by ezyrdr


my efi folder

n the kernel ext i got in there n my net recognized as automatic ethernet...got full speed on the ethernet (3mb connection)...internet is doing well...icloud n the others where logged from 14.0, so only thing failing is App Store 

Captura de pantalla 2019-04-15 a la(s) 13.50.43.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-04-15 a la(s) 13.51.25.png

Edited by ezyrdr

now i got this error...was using the comp during 4-5 days long n restarted. now it won’t load a kernel cache. only thing i think could be is that was getting very hot for a game


usb installer aint passing verbose either 



i sorted that usb thing with bios boot options for now...so it’s a relief!!

Edited by ezyrdr
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