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I want upgrade Clover with Clover Configurator but it seems doesn't work.
I first updated Clover Configurator to last release.
Then from "Install/Update Clover" section I found new clover release.
I successfully updated Clover and restarted my hackintosh but it seems the new clover release is not loaded on hackintosh boot.
Moreover when I search another time clover updates from Clover Configurator I still have the old one installed and the new release is still proposed I don’t know why. I tried several times, always same problem.
Thank you for your help !


Capture d’écran 2019-02-10 à 16.01.37.png

Capture d’écran 2019-02-10 à 16.02.46.png

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I too am having concerns.  Now, when I open Clover from my mounted drive, I see Package and CLOVERX64.efi.  In the past when I attempted to update, it would seem to update but checking would always say it wasn't.  I'm not sure how to proceed.  Can someone assist me or provide a link?



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