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ATI x200 Display w/ 10.4.8 Kernel

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Just wondering....


I see all this new video development effort underway after the release of the 10.4.8 kernel. Has anyone been able to get their x200 video working? If so what did you do/use?


To those of you working on video development...Please help us! The ATI x200 is probably the ONLY modern ATI Card/Chipset that has not been able to get QE/CI working in SOME form or another. There are a lot of us out here with this chipset (i.e. those who can only afford budget laptops), so I plead with you. Help us Obi Wan, er strike that wrong e-mail, help us developers you are our only hope.

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Mark, not to discourage you, but in case you haven't had any background, the x200 seems to be a dead end. The way video memory is addressed seems to be the problem, the driver itself would have to be rewritten, and barring a developer willing to write/modify a driver for us, it may be a hopeless case unless someone finds a workaround. To me, a Linux/BSD driver might be the best way to go, if that was possible. I know little about these matters.

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I hate to agree with GP, but this project is effectively dead. The x200 addresses memory in a very odd way. We could find no way of modifying the existing kexts to properly load with this card. Unless some genius comes along and writes us a driver from base up there is no chance to get QE/CI working with this card.


On that note if any developer is interested I will sell my laptop with x200 (specs in my sig) for only $400. Again this is only for a developer who promises to use the machine to help everyone else get it working.

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