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EDIT: See post #3 for still waiting for root device issue!


I have a HP Pavilion 15-p051us with an A10-5745M APU ( https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04346410 ).I created a USB installer for Sierra 10.12.5 using Pandora's Box and installed Enoch (I have a second USB drive with clover on it as well.) I copied the 10.12.4 kernel (I do not know of a 10.12.5 AMD kernel and the 10.12.4 has been reported to work) to /System/Library/Kernels and repaired permissions/rebuilt cache (This is the kernel: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312714-amd-macos-1012x-sierra-kernel-testing-release-for-help-use-the-help-topic/page-31?p=2399141&do=findComment&comment=2399141 ). When booting with -v with Enoch I get the following error repeatedly.

OPEMU: movzx ecx, byte [raw+0x16]
warning: invalid kernel ip, won't attempt to handle trap

When booting with my clover USB Drive with -v I get the line of pluses and then it auto reboots.


Any ideas on what my problem is and how to fix it?


I found this kernel for 10.12.5. I added the kext and kernel to the USB Installer. With this kernel I got past the plus line in clover by adding NullCPUPowerManagement. When I boot with cpus=1 and -v I get to FakeSMC Successfully initialized and then there are errors about USB XHCI. When I add GenericUSBXHCI I get the following output and then it freezes.

FakeSMCDevice: successfully initialized
000001.119598 XHCI0: AppleUSBXHCI::start: hardware exception occurred
000001.121618 XHCI1: AppleUSBXHCI::start: hardware exception occurred

Any idea how to solve this issue?

Another Update:

I have been able to boot further by using cpus=1 and the clover OsxAptioFixDrv driver. Now I am stuck at a prohibited symbol with garbled text. At the bottom, Still waiting for root device can be seen. I am trying to install from my USB2.0 stick in a USB2.0 port on my laptop. I have tried Rehabman's USBInjectAll (with and without the limit patch) and I have tried GenericUSBXHCI kext without any luck. I have tried clover's fix usb patch and I havee tried to use clover's inject usb and usb ownership options. My BIOS does not have a legacy USB option (although legacy booting is disabled.) I am out of ideas. How do I get the USB ports to work?

Got to installer. For anyone else with similar issues make sure to try all combinations of PCIRootUID=0 or PCIRootUID=1 and npci=0x3000 or npci=0x2000. Just npci=0x3000 worked for me. USBInjectAll by RehabMan was also needed in my case.


USBInjectAll: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-USB-Inject-All

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