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Titan / Natit video drivers exploit and GMA 850?


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Hi there,


Before the move to Core Duo, the built in intel graphs shipped with Pentium M processors were of the 850 (845/855/865...) chipset family. I didn't quite get the technical details about the Titan driver loading trick, but Omni says it can be adapted to ATI cards as well.


Any chance it could be adapted for the old 8X5 intel graphs? That, and the porting of 10.4.8 kernel to SSE2 only machines would breath a new life to a whole line of older but capable laptops...



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Don't think of Natit/Titan as "drivers", think of them more as enablers that let the actual drivers (Apple supplied) work with non-EFI equipped hardware.


Having said that, I don't think that there are any actual drivers that Apple ever supplied that were designed to work with older GMA chipsets.

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