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Hello guys
I've installed OS X Yosemite zone and updated to 10.10.5 on my hp laptop and after trying to fix everything I've got almost everything up and running.

Current System Status:
-Dual-Boot Yosemite & Windows 10 (Each on separate HDD) Chameleon Boot-loader.
-Ethernet works fine, Wi-Fi Not working "Not compatible WiFi Card Intel1000", BT not available in my laptop
-USB 2.0/3.0 Ports working just fine
-Graphics Acceleration: I have dual-GPU in my laptop and the system info show the Intel HD3000 with 512MB of memory
-I had to install a module for handle the CPUS=1 Flag I needed to use, and now the system works fine without the CPUS=1 Flag

The Problem:
As you can see in the attached images my system has resolution problems, even though in the display settings it shows 1600x900 resolution I still get this problem.

PS: If I Back-up all the Graphics Drivers(Intel/nVidia/ATi) the resolutions goes to 1024x768 and the scaling is fixed but then i loose the Graphics acceleration and the system gets laggy.

sorry for the long post guys, just trying to be as clear as I can be.
Thanks for your attention.



try booting with graphics enabler=no in your boot plist.

and follows ,one by one and then both.

<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>kext-dev-mode=1 darkwake=0</string>
hope it helps



enable duallink


good hack

As you can see in the pictures, the second boot flag is Dual Link



try booting with graphics enabler=no in your boot plist.

and follows ,one by one and then both.

<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>kext-dev-mode=1 darkwake=0</string>
hope it helps


as i can remember i did have GraphicsEnabler=No, none the less i'll give it a go

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