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hi i have installed mountin lion 10.8.4 on my dell xps l502 see

i7 2630qm

6 gb 1333

nvedia gt 540

display not ful hd

750 7200rpm hdd


so i installed with ##### 1,5.3  with this (-x graphicsenabler=no) and work fine and i get the ml desktop after that with same sicrept  

when i run #####(5.5.2) for drivers and chose drivers it says installation-failed at the end  i got kernal panic (apple cpu intel power mangement)

i reinstalled ml again

befor that i had lion 10.7.5 on my labtop following that article 


and worked some kind fine

but the dsdt and pack that worked for lion didnt work for mountin lion so if some one  have it worked and can give the kext or dsdt or show me

what to select


solved with (Lx02XMountainLion_V1.4) package (patched apple cpu power mangment) thanks to diox only one problem found screen glitch  

Insanelymac does not support your used tools. For Problems with them, ask on the develeopers platform or the developer himself.


Pease read the rules and this:  http://www.insanelym...ort-tonymacx86/


Have fun.


PS: I am wondering about, that a member here since the end of 2008 is her asking for support of TM tools.

The kext´s you need for your system. I am sorry,  I unfortunately don´t have the same lappy.


Beginning your search at the end of topic in direction of it´s start, should bring you the desired success. :wink_anim::D


Even doing a search with the search function within the topic, could help you saving time.  :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:


Have fun.

If you can remember the chip for audio, for example: ALC 269, type of touchpad, or the kexts you had installed for a nearly proper running Lion, you can search within this topics with this arguments.

If you even use your dedicated gfx as argument, you should be able to find some posts from persons with the same version of your lappy.


I am nearly sure, that there is for you  a dsdt.aml to find for the beginning. Try to find at first a solution for a working keyboard (FN keys at the beginning are not a must), network (wired or Wifi), then fully working HD 3000 , audio and battery. Patch Powermanagement (OldNapalm Patch should be here in "Downloads").


A fine tool for installing kexts is KextWizard (Google it or search here the link to it). KextWizard has the option to back up the kexts, that are replaced by installing.


Installing OSX is for sure not so simple as in the most cases Windows. If you can boot in your install, download at first the updater to 10 8.5 and then start with getting your devices working. This should be better, then doing some things twice.


Have fun.


PS: It is very hard to support anybody, who puts not his hardware in the signature. You will recognize this by yourself by doing your resarches.

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