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I have created a DSDT with DSDT editor in 10.8.5.


I not apply any patch. I only press fix error, save as DSDT.aml and nothing else.


When I put my DSDT in Extra folder, I reset and I get a Panic with ¨nanoseconds¨.


What´s wrong?


If not get a DSDT better for the system bios? I can´t start to trying patches if not get to work normally, i guess.


Thanks for your experience and opinions!

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if u only extract the dsdt and no patch.. 


is the same if u use the original one..


and that chameleon auto do it


the dsdt is extracted from u bios.. must apply the patches for u board.. and cpu...


the patches is for optimize the use with OS X


good hack

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man u don't have a mac .. u have a pc (hack) .. so only some bios have modified cpu power management.. like some new gigas and asus mobos..


or u must edit u dsdt table to obtain the native power management...


and can use appleintelcpupowermanagement


the nullcpu is to disable that kext


and don't have kp in boot.. is that why u must use nullcpu...


About power management (SpeedStep, sleep)


good hack

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Picasso, can you boot with no dsdt? I also use no patches in my dsdt and only have error corrections. a modified dsdt is not a requirement for hackint0sh. it does offer advantages to hardware detection/injection and optimizing for osx without the need for getting those fixes by some other means. 

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Hi Joe!

Yes! I can boot and work normally without any DSDT.


I only create DSDT for apply Hardware Acceleration for HD4600. 


I'm trying to get the patch file for this. 


And before this I tried to apply DSDT without any patch and not working. So, If I have problems without patch, I am starting new problems in m y Hack.

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