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I am excited to start on my OSX endeavors with the community here.


First I will start with my build:


HP ENVY m6-1205dx


AMD a10-4600m Quadcore


AMD Radeon HD 7660G


Some multi DVD drive(does it matter?)


Realyek PCIe gigabit controller


Atheros wireless AR9485


I dont know what sound chipset or USB3.0 OR USB2.0 Will post when i find out!


Now I'm sure you are face palming and saying, AMD! No! :(

But i believe it will just make this project more fun to tinker with!


I have decent knowledge of computers, but not of OSX underlings, can get around just fine with the OS since i have to for work (work at some place that fixes computers with a synonym for "nerd posse")


So! This is were i am at, i have Niresh 10.8.2 and have gotten to boot to disk etc

I have tried the amd boot option with -v verbose but it seems to not load the amd kernel in niresh, after some digging i found the


"Kernel Cache"=\amd


and the unit just restarts


So i tried also


amd hp -v


and it appears to try and load but it just freezes no indication of loading after 30min of sitting idle on black screen


So finally to my question


Anyone have any other boot command ideas to push me in the right direction


I was wondering just like i found out on niresh the amd boot option was "Kernel Cache"=\amd any one know what the hp boot options actually does? would love to manually enter both amd and hp boot options to see if i can tinker with those and make it to another screen past black


Thanks for the help!


Oh and if this is not the right sub forum to post in, please point me to the right one to create a topic


Thank you all!


Happy Hackintoshing!






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Hi, jatomusic87!


Hardcore AMD fanboy here. That said, AMD APU laptops won't ever fully work - won't have hardware acceleration for graphics, which essentially cripples the system - because of switchable graphics, which OSX doesn't support, and because this cannot be turned off, like in some computer, because of the worst BIOS ever idealized, the InsydeH2O, that every APU laptop i know relies on. If you can live without graphics acceleration (only do coding, or text editing, or audio production), then you can try it, but even then the system will be kind of laggy, and might as well not work at all. Plus, being an AMD machine, thus needing a patched kernel, many cool features that are partly kernel-dependant, such as iCloud, FaceTime, Messages etc, will be very hard if not impossible to get working.


You can run OSX in a virtual machine using virtual box - thus you will have the same limited (crippled) user experience but with much less suffering. Or else, you can simply sell this laptop and get a more viable solution: a very cheap 1201n Atom netbook will be slower both in graphics and CPU power on the Windows side, but will have infinitely better user experience under OSX, with everything working but wifi (which hardware can be replaced by a $5 compatible mini-PCI-e card or an equally inexpensive USB dongle). Or else you can simply buy a laptop with better compatibility (meaning third gen Intel Core i CPU, no dual graphics and no InsydeH2O BIOS), and even then it won't be perfect: differently from desktop hackintoshes, which consistently beat iMacs and MacPros, laptops are where legit Apple hardware outperforms commodity pieces the most with OSX - or any OS, since Apple lappies are simple the best in the market.


All the best, and welcome to Insanelymac.

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I totally agree with what you say. I already hate the InsydeH20 as it is completely locked down with options! I actually can live without graphics acceleration because my only reason to get the mac OS to run for me is audio production. I've been using audio tools in windows for ages and would love to give it a go in OSX for its stability in handling audio. Although I must say Windows 8 has done a fine job with handling audio so far and its use of resources. I can totally agree that apple laptops are simply amazing. I had just purchased this unit because of working for a big retailer I got a wonderful discount. Running OSX on VM might be a great idea for me to try! and I haven't ruled out building a desktop, I do have a Frankenstein machine, (an e-machine from 2004) that has been slowly evolving over the years with the only original part being the case. You have rattled my brain a bit, and it would be FAR easier to build a tower with all compatible parts, but oh the fun of doing what you are not supposed to. Right now my goal is to just get OSX to install and boot; try out some audio tools in the OS. Since you are a AMD user, any ideas on getting it to at least install the OS? So far I have tried the following boot options with Niresh with no result:


hp -v tries to load, stuck on black screen

amd -v tries to load, reboots

hp amd -v tries to load, stuck on black screen

hp "Kernel Cache"=\amd -v tries to load, reboots

"Kernel Cache"=\amd -v tries to load, reboots

"Kernel Cache"=\amd arch=i386 -v reloads boot menu-huh?

hp "Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes -v


Memory allocation error! Addr:0x85a5248, Size:0x3899d, File: free , Line:0

This is a non recoverable error! System HALTED!!

Sounds scary but maybe a good sign? I have no clue.


hp "Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=No -v reboots

hp "Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes USBBusFix=Yes -v reboots

hp "Kernel Cache"=\amd USBBusFix=Yes -v reboots

"Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes USBBusFix=Yes -v reboots

"Kernel Cache"=\amd USBBusFix=Yes -v reboots

"Kernel Cache"=\amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes reboots


So to any experienced amd OSX runners, what do you suggest I try to get the installer running?




And does any one know what the hp handler does in niresh? or how i can possibly look it up in the files, would love to try it manually so i can adjust the settings.

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Sigh, Ive been searching everywhere and just cant figure out how to load my own kernel. Does anyone know of a guide to insert a legacy kernel into the installer? Been searching up and down the net and no luck with how to go about this. A push in the right direction would be sweet, I'd love to make a new thread with a guide on how to get it all running once i can figure it out.


Thanks! Can't believe there is so many resources for these projects, and its so cool to see the amd ml kernel being worked on in IM.


So far all ive seen is a reference to [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] legacy that lead me to tonymac wich i'm trying to stay away from, can totaly agree with the divde with that whole area.

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it is an iso file. or a dmg file


it is a. follow the iso file


download MagicISO and search there for a serial. then you need to open the file. then you have to put the kernel. burn the iso to the disk. then you do and ready


. dmg file,


USB Well I found it easiest to download a vmware vmware image with mac os x. already installed. So you have to start all. all on him you through the steps. you open Finder. you go to your usb far.

then you copy mac os x installer (hazard) and the kernel to a usb stick.

you open the dmg. and let him go? verifty?. you copy everything to your desktop then open diskutilty and you go to your partition of your USB. then press the Restore tab. bottom of the list of slices is slightly below the hazard dmg installer that copy to source and the partition of your USB to destination. uncheck the destination must erase from. you install the bootloader InsanelyMac http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/59-chameleon-22-svn/ on your USB. then boot from your USB


DVD you need the same as with USB vmware with working hackintosh.

from? verifty? otherwise it is going to stand the hazard icon on your desktop. Right. burn hazard installer to disk. is finished copy the kernel to the disk. I would do a DVD RW. you can write more over.

and boat only.

then hope it works.

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I think my confusion came from not realizing/forgetting mac formatted media cannot be read in windows natively. So I would open up an ISO and see randomfiles with no folders and could not for the hell of me figure out how to insert a kernel. I just finally bought a new Flash drive since my other one got used up backing up my current unit so i can go crazy partitioning and not loose my recovery partition. Anyways, i'm now about to load hazard on to flash with amd kernel and see where it goes. Wish me luck!

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