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Hello everyone!


First of all, I'd really like to say thanks to all these that contribute to this "scene" - or as it was said int he quiz, "hobby". 

Yestarday, I bought a Vaio duo 11 to side with my MacBook and I knew about hackintosh, so I had all the resources - especially, a real mac :) - just at hand, and tried everything out.


Here are my results:

Prepairing a usb device with myHack: Works like a charm. But you seriously must make sure you use MBR. Otherwise, it's acting funny. Thus, make sure you DISABLE intel VT and XHPI mode in BIOS. But once that is done, it just...boots.


Installing Clover to a GPT formatted drive: Yes, works, but not OOB. To get Clover to boot, do this:

1. Download the Clover EFI package.

2. Start the installer, click "Select volume" and then your volume, then click next. 

3. Now click customize. Here, you gotta check "Install to ESP", "Drivers64" and under themes, check the "metal" theme - it's the default. You may check another theme as well so you have an option later. I recommend bootcamp, its very nice for your eyes and if you used a mac before, its just like "Aha!".

4. Now we gotta edit the EFI files. Since a sort of "bug" in the clover installer, it lets the EFI partition stay mounted...which it actually shouldn't imo. Anyway, we can use that fact for something good. ( In case it didn't stay mounted, read my footnotes below. ) Open your Finder, and open the EFI partition. Or, press CMD+SHIFT+G and type /Volumes/EFI and hit ENTER. In there, open the EFI folder and create a new folder called BOOT. In this folder, you'll copy the files CLOVERX64.efi, CLOVERIA32.efi AND the config.plist file. Now rename the CLOVER files into boot - i.e.: BOOTX64.efi.

If you installed a different theme, like the bootcamp one, open config.plist BEFORE you copy your files, edit the Theme setting and THEN copy the file into the BOOT folder.

5. You should end up with a structure like this:









Now, plug the device into your Vaio, press the ASSIST key, select "Boot from external" and Clover should pop up.


However, when I use clover to boot, I get stuck at a "Waiting for root device" message - it obviously waits for a device. Its the same error that occured to some other people, and it is actulyl the only message in which you'll see a piece of XML! However, it looks like it has troubble with some drivers. I sadly don't have all the myHack drivers at hand, nor do I know how to install them myself.

By the way, I used an entirely vanilla install of OS X. I used the one I bought from the App Store. Thus, I placed the Extras folder that is put into the drive's root by myhack into my clover folder into kexts/10.8 - of course, i moved the contents of the folder into the one i just mentioned, otherwise it wouldnt work...afaik o.o;



As soon as I manage to get this working, Ill inform you. Again, when I legacy-boot Mac with chamelion and the image created by myHack, it works like a charm. I just didnt install it because I dont want to wipe my windows just yet :P



Regards, Ingwie Phoenix




I managed to determine how myHack installed the image...and what mistake I did. You have to restore from InstallESD.dmg/BaseSystem.dmg first - then copy al the files fromt he root of InstallESD.dmg into the device as well. In other words, merge InstallESD and BaseSystem. Also, use myHack and run myFix to integrate all the missing kexts. that totally worked for me. I am now EFI booiting OS X. Touchscreen - who didnt expect it? - doesnt work. Stylus does, but with some oddities. Wifi isnt recognized yet. I dont know about the rest yet. Also, to boot up, you need to use Safe Mode (3rd entry in Clover when hiting spacebar on the OS X icon.)

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The tutorial is the guide the creator of the post wrote. No one will take the time to make a video of how to do this, as this is the normal process to install OS X on a hackintosh machine. Try to use the guide and post questions if you have any.


Also, moving this to the proper forum: notebooks.



InsanelyMac Netbook Moderator

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