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[ML 10.8.3] AMD Radeon 6850 1GB F****** artifacts

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Hello! Great but it desperately needs your help!
After installing Mac OS Mountain Lion 10.8 ( combo update to 10.8.1 and 10.8.2, 10.8.3) not work properly graphics card (AMD Radeon 6850 1GB)
AMD Phenom II x4 955
AMD Radeon 6850 1GB
Vendor 0x1002 
Devide ID 0x6739
I tried many kexts and either the system recognizes the graphics as 5MB or have artifacts such as shown in the picture
I tried many files SMBIOS, many kext, GE = Yes / No, aticonfig = duckweed, Gibba and other artifacts are always
Last Chamelleon and Chimera.. 

Also tried fresh install, and removing ATIController6000.kext from the USB but it also does not work.
I used myHack to create the usb 
We ask me for some sort of help!
I need you guys
  • 4 months later...
After installing 10.9 Mavericks have the same problem. after a while, artifacts appear.
Dev ID card with Windows
\ VEN_1002 & DEV_6739
Dev id that I have written in the file info.plist in AMD6000Controller.kext
<string> AMD6000Controller </ string>
<key> IOMatchCategory </ key>
<string> IOFramebuffer </ string>
<key> IOName </ key>
<string> AMD6000Controller </ string>
<key> IOPCIMatch </ key>
<string> 0x67681002 0x67701002 0x67791002 0x67601002 0x67611002 0x67501002 0x67581002 0x67591002 0x67401002 0x67411002 0x67451002 0x67381002 0x67391002 0x67201002 0x67221002 0x67181002 0x67191002 0x68401002 0x68411002 0x67041002 </ string>
<key> IOProbeScore </ key>
Is this really fault the kernel?
I'm already on the verge of a fully functioning system, and I would like I received help from someone.
AMD Phenom II x4 955
AMD Radeon 6850 1GB
Bootloader: Chameleon-2.2svn-r2266.pkg
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