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Hi All


I hope you can help..


I've been fighting for the last couple of days trying to get Mountain Lion installed on my Acer Aspire S3-961 i7


There are lots of guides on various forums for the i3 and i5 versions but noone seems to have done this on the i7 version


I've made a fresh installer and tried various boot flags but it just won't boot as far as the installer.


If I use -v it's gets stuck on a blank grey screen and that's as far as I can get. It happens so fast I can't even see the error!


Close to giving up!!


Any help would be appreciated.


I know notebooks are tricky but thought I'd give it a go as others seem to have been successful!

Hi Lambpie,


as far as I see there is no difference between the I5 and I7 models except of the processor. They both use Intel´s HD4000 Graphics and so you should be good to go. Have you tried to boot the installer in Save Mode?

How did you create your Installer, which tools have you used to create it?


It is a simple formula the more input you give to the community, the more response you´ll get so try to describe exactly what you have done so far. Statements like I tried various Flags aren´t very helpful at all since no one could even guess what you have tried. As a first shot (truly into the dark, as I don´t know which tools you used) you should try the following boot flags to get into the installer:


GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v


Normally this should work since it disables GraphicsInjection and also prevents OS-X from loading extra Drivers which may conflict with your Setup. Please let us know if it worked and of course let us also know if it did not work ;) In case it did not work just give some more Details about what you did so far and which tools you used for it.


Greets griven

Thanks Griven :-)


I'm using MyHack, I wasn't really sure which one to use!


It's a legit copy of 10.8.3 downloaded from the App Store


I also installed the latest Chimera bootloader onto the USB as I'd read it was better with HD3000


I just tried GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v and the good news is that got me into the installer and it's installing as we speak, although I'm expecting more problems when it's installed so I'm not counting my chickens yet!


I'd managed to get into the installer using -x just before reading your post but the screen resolution was wrong..


But this time it looks right which has got me thinking that it must be the GraphicsEnabler=No blocking a conflicting kext.


I don't really understand why its picking the right resolution which the graphics enabler off??


My S3 is a Sa


sorry.. my S3 is a Sandy Bridge I7..



Hehe guess what, I thought you were using MyHACK ^^


MyHACK always set´s GraphicsEnabler=Yes which works quite fine on any Machines which use discrete Graphics but will mostly fail on Machines which only use the IntelHD Graphics. As HD4000 is natavly supported by OSX you don´t need the GraphicsEnabler. Once your System is installed boot with GraphicsEnabler=No -v and it should fire up quite well. If it fires up you have to do some post Install steps but let us discuss them if it fires up ;)


greets griven

..quick update


It managed to get all the way through the installer.


But I'm only able to boot off the fresh install if I still use GraphicsEnabler=No -v -x


If I don't include the -x it gets stuck at "Resetting IO Catalogue"


I tried deleting some kexts that relate to the IntelHD graphics as mentioned in another post but this seemed to make it worse and now its getting stuck at "[AGPM Controller] unknown platform"


Any thoughts on whats causing this?


Should I start from scratch again?

Thanks for the link Artur but mines a HD3000


If I use GraphicsEnabler=No -v -x I can get it to boot and under system report the HD3000 is reporting correctly and now shows 384mb of ram which I think is correct.


But I can only boot in safe mode.. I'm just in the process of reinstalling from scratch and will post where it gets stuck if I try to load it up without -x


Thanks again

Another update..


So, I performed a fresh install. Needed GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v to get into the installer and get it installed.


The newly installed OSX would then boot from the USB also using GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v but won't won't in anything other than safe mode


I then tried loading directly from the hard drive and got "error-no such device"


I then installed Chimera on the harddrive which initially resulted in a boot0 error, I followed a guide to fix this.


Now I can load to Chimera from the hard drive, but it won't boot past that even if I use GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v


It panics and mentions IntelCPUPowerManagement..


I'm not sure what to try next? any ideas?

Hi lambpie,


your actual problem deals with OSX´s build in power management since your hackbook is actually not a real macbook OSX has problems to detect a suitable power management plan for your machine and as a result of this it throws a kernelpanic. There are many reasons why

IntelCPUPowerManagement throws panic´s the most common one is a wrong or misleading System definition. Since you only installed Chimera without any extras the boot loader will select a system definition which may or may not meet your actual Setup (mostly it won´t). To solve your problem try the following steps...


1. Boot your System with USBPendrive and select your installed OS

2. Open up [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] (there are by far better ways to do it, but for the moment just take [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url]...)

3. Change installation target to your Harddisk

4. Select Customization -> System Definitions -> MacBook Pro -> MacBook Pro 8,1

5. Select Customization -> Boot Options -> GraphicEnabler=No AND Power Management Hibernation -> Laptop

6. Select Customization -> SSDT Options -> Sandy Bridge Core I7

7. Select Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> System -> Patched AppleIntelCPUPowewemanagement.kext

8. Klick Continue

9. Reboot


Your System should now boot up from your fixed Disk. If it does not, add -v as a boot flag and let me know where it stops.

Hi Griven/Artur


Just a quick update - Grivens instructions got this running - I'd tried using the MacMini profile but the MacPro 8,1 profile got the graphics fired up :-)


I didn't select any power management options so I'm just going to have a read of the links Artur listed, its definitely running warmer than normal so i'm pretty sure it running flat out all of the time.


I really don't want to have to start from scratch so hopefully i'll be able to sort out the last few bits


Is there a way I can check the CPU speed to see if its stepping?


Also.. noted comments about forum rules


I used MyHack as the installer.. happy to do everything else manually, better way to learn as well.

**edit** ..ignore the bit about the bit about checking cpu frequency, just installing intelcpumonitor kext and smc utility


installed IntelCPUMonitor Kext, when I run SMC_Util3 it opens a terminal and lists options like








and then says [process completed]


but doesn't give me any information about CPU speed etc


what am I doing wrong?

thanks to both of you for your help on this, i think I would have given up!


..but it's running really nicely, i installed the HW monitor and it does look like the turbo is working as it jumps from 1.8ghz to 2.6ish under load


But.. I'm pretty sure it should drop right back to 800mhz when it's not doing anything? Is there a way to enable this?


Also, now it's up and running I'm thinking it's a good idea to make a backup image that I can restore if I have problems, what would you recommend?

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