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So I am stuck on Apple logo and spinning wheel, when I boot my machine. I just installed Mountain Lion from the USB stick. Installer and everything were fine, but now it's just stuck there.


Seems to boot fine in safe mode.. hmm



In attachment is the screen which I get when i boot with -v


Hardware specs are:



CPU Intel i5-3570k

Motherboard Asus P877-V Pro

No graphics card, only HD4000

Toshiba 80 GB hdd (Mountain Lion install)

128 GB Intel 330 series SSD

500 GB WD Caviar Blue Sata 3

8 GB of Corsair RAM

Corsair AX 650 PSU

Asus DVD-drive DRW-24B3LT


boot with -s and type this code for mv Graphics kexts to root of you hard disk, then boot with : -f -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000


fsck -fy

mount -uw /

mkdir /kext_backup

cd /System/Library/Extensions

mv AMDRadeon* ATI* GeForce* NVDA*/kext_backup

rm ../Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache


boot with -s and type this code for mv Graphics kexts to root of you hard disk, then boot with : -f -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000



fsck -fy

mount -uw /

mkdir /kext_backup

cd /System/Library/Extensions

mv AMDRadeon* ATI* GeForce* NVDA*/kext_backup

rm ../Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache



Hi. I'm pretty newbie in this so: I booted with -s and then I started typing these things on green color. I pressed enter after every line.

Then I booted with -f -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000 and got picture what is in the attachment.




Do you have any kext in your extra folder?


How can I check that? :worried_anim:

man, if you have the system installed in your hard disk and you can not boot the system, you need delete the graphics kexts for this work and you arrive on the desktop, delete this kexts from S/L/E you can use Mac Drive from windows or use the code that I post, reinstall not resolve your problem with any installer, the problem is not the installer.then reboot with this flag= -f -v -x GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000




- ATI2400Controller.kext

- ATI2600Controller.kext

- ATI3800Controller.kext

- ATI4600Controller.kext

- ATI4800Controller.kext

- ATI5000Controller.kext

- ATI6000Controller.kext

- ATIFramebuffer.kext

- ATIRadeonX2000.kext

- ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin

- ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle

- ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle

- ATISupport.kext


- GeForce.kext

- GeForceGA.plugin

- GeForceGLDriver.bundle

- GeForceVADriver.bundle

- NVDAGF100Hal.kext

- NVDAGK100Hal.kext

- NVDANV50Hal.kext

- NVDAResman.kext

- NVSMU.kext



- AMDRadeonAccelerator.kext

- AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle

- AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle

man, if you have the system installed in your hard disk and you can not boot the system, you need delete the graphics kexts for this work and you arrive on the desktop, delete this kexts from S/L/E you can use Mac Drive from windows or use the code that I post, reinstall not resolve your problem with any installer, the problem is not the installer.then reboot with this flag= -f -v -x GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000





- ATI2400Controller.kext

- ATI2600Controller.kext

- ATI3800Controller.kext

- ATI4600Controller.kext

- ATI4800Controller.kext

- ATI5000Controller.kext

- ATI6000Controller.kext

- ATIFramebuffer.kext

- ATIRadeonX2000.kext

- ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin

- ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle

- ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle

- ATISupport.kext



- GeForce.kext

- GeForceGA.plugin

- GeForceGLDriver.bundle

- GeForceVADriver.bundle

- NVDAGF100Hal.kext

- NVDAGK100Hal.kext

- NVDANV50Hal.kext

- NVDAResman.kext

- NVSMU.kext




- AMDRadeonAccelerator.kext

- AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle

- AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle


Yeah, but how do I delete graphic kexts from S/L/E?

I have never ever heard about those since this date!

yes, my English is very bad, but you read my previous post? or not read any?


you need delete the graphics kexts for this work and you arrive on the desktop, delete this kexts from S/L/E , you can use Mac Drive from windows for delete it, or use the code that I post line by line and ENTER,

or this is very

difficult for you?

I figured out what you meant. I deleted those kexts via MacDrive. And booted up the system with flags, and it booted up to set up your mac!

So I guess it is now ok.


You rock!

Thank you so much!



EDIT: Still spins the wheel and the apple logo is there when i select USB when i boot and then mountain lion. :(

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