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As a webmaster of several websites I have numerous e-mail accounts that I check with fluid ease in Apple's Mail.app. Rarely does a moment present itself when I am without my MacBook Pro, and consequently without access to my mail. But every now and again I have found myself sequestered in an Airport or Hotel lobby that just hasn't plunged into WiFi-coolness. On those rare occassions I'm resigned to beat myself up to using clunky webmail solutions like Microsoft's Hotmail and yes, even Apple's inelegant .mac interface.


Now all that is about to change. With the new update to .mac webmail Apple turned its webmail interface upside down, jostled it around, whipped it about, and ended up with a surprisingly elegant solution that bears a more than uncanny resemblance to the mail application I already use and love.




Any takers?

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The one major downside to gmail over .mac K4bren, is that I can only subscribe to my gmail calendar in my iCal app, but I can't actually make any changes to that calendar unless I log into my google calendar account.


That limitation isn't there with .mac. Everything from my address book, my mail, and my calendar all sync up beautifully.


But I do love google's AJAXified Calendar.

nice, but i got hooked onto windows live mail before i got my mac. if apple ever releases the macbook pro with core2duo (might wait for the quad?) i plan on getting a .mac subsciption and using that. but for now i'll stick with live mail and see what the final version looks like

As a web designer, I am very disapointed to see Apple porting its mail gui over to the web. Sure it might have some advantages looking like mail.app, but it's meant to be web mail you fools (Apple's web dev team).


Oh well. I happen to be from the family that hates mail 2.0's interface, so seeing it transplanted to the web is less than enthralling. Add to that the fact that it costs money, and I have already left the building long before it's even been released.


They make lovely computers and a fantastic operating system, some really super pro apps, but everything else is {censored}. I spose you can't win them all can you?

I personally think that it's a pity that apple aren't giving these out for free to mac users. I would hate for my PC friends go wah wah wah i gotta mac.com account and take all the names. I'd like something like if you've been a apple customer for like a year and a half or something you'd get one of these emails for free... I've been using macs for 10 years... never had a PC!



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