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:help: Hy friends. :help:


I have make a edition on my com.apple.boot.plist.

But i think i take some wrong way to do that.


Have a way to restore that archive?


I have tried boot using -s in startup.. but i don`t know how to open and edit then.


Thanks fow your help and sorry for my bad english...



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com.apple.boot.plist or org.chameleon.boot.plist?


Boot with -s and type the following:

mount -uw /


And follow this guide to revert your changes: http://macprogress.wordpress.com/tutorials/the-easy-way-to-edit-com-apple-boot-plist/


Hope it helps/works from single user mode.


Else, boot with -x -v, worth a try. Best of luck.

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