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Having read extensively to try and get my head around installing the above I have hit a brick wall....



I am unable to find any working links to donks Darwin iso to get me started, I know MSOK will be along to point me in the direction of either his consolidated threads which are great but the links to the ISo are dead, or to tell me to upgrade to ESX 5.0 which is not an option, I did consider installing ESX 5.0 as a vm in 4.1 and then osx con the ESX 5 vm but figured it was getting complicated and that performance would be awful


I will be looking to build SL or LIon on top of an existing. ESXI 4.1 install


2 hosts


P67a u3 b3

I7 2600K

32gb ram

Both are identical apart from one has a raid controller being passed through to a Napp-IT vm



A link to the iso would be great, I link to a definitve guide to install either of the above would help, but the most needed is the iso



Thanks in advance







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For darwin.iso, you can download directly from http://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/vmw-desktop/fusion/, just browse to the version you want.


For the VMware unlocker (including Darwin.iso too), you can download from http://goo.gl/oHx8k.

Thanks much appreciated, although struggling to download the iso from 1st link it just drops down through directories to raw file listings, I have downloaded from the second link and I am going to try and use that, I'll report back, thanks again for the links

Thanks much appreciated, although struggling to download the iso from 1st link it just drops down through directories to raw file listings, I have downloaded from the second link and I am going to try and use that, I'll report back, thanks again for the links


These won't work. I think I have found a version of the darwin.iso for ESXi 4 and wil upload later.

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