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I've been successfully using my hackintosh for a year. Recently though my computer starting up has needed about 3 or 4 boots to get going properly.


For example, on first boot, it's takes three minutes longer than normal, and the a screen I am presented with has either no working mouse, or a slightly shaded (darker) desktop.


So I reboot, then it boots and I now have working mouse but not much else works, ie programs.


I select reboot again, and then I reboot a fourth time. And I am then able to use the computer normally.


It never used to be like this but gradually it seems to need these few boot ups every time.


Can someone suggest why this might be and also how to fix it? Note I haven't updated multibeasst in ages but not sure if this would muck things up or even fix it? All I did do a while ago was install lion updates suggested by the system.


Hope someone can help thanks.



There's nothing in hack software other than maybe updated bootloader that would help, and that's unlikely too. Assuming you haven't done any changes or software updates, first I would repair permissions and rebuild boot cache. If that doesn't help, using a tool like Onyx to rebuilt launch services would be next thing I would try. Also boot verbose (-v) for extended error logging, once you finally get to working desktop, check console and compare the 3-4 different boot logs for any noticeable differences. Some times a boot up in safe mode (using -x) can also clear up a lot of issues as it will also perform many of the same functions I mentioned earlier without unneeded non-system kexts being loaded at same time.

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