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On an otherwise fantastic 10.8.2 install, I get intermittent crashes (freeze) and kernel panics (more rare, but there have been a few).

These crashes seem to be brought on by heavy disk activity, like downloading at 1MB/s or copying large amounts of data from drive to drive.


I can't seem to find any crash logs. Where should I be looking for these? Are there settings I need to turn on to have them generated?

In early Tiger days I have a Epox i865 motherboard, the same situation. Problem was... capacitors near Processor (6pcs) was blown up.

I have also EP45-UD3LR, the capacitors on the motherboard is obviously High Quality ones... weird if there is the problem.

I use it rarely and with SL10.6.8, I don't remember similar problems (yet :)). But this model is produced in 2008, there is possibility of capacitor problems.

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