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Hi guys,


I have created an USB drive with the ML GM Image on it which I now want to use to install OSX on my ultrabook, an Asus UX32VD. However, I am running into a problem - whenever I try to boot the installer, it hangs at "com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded" (see the attached picture, the machine was booted with -v cpus=1). I have also tried other args in various combinations such as USBBusFix, setting PCIRootUID to 0 or 1 and disabling GraphicsEnabler, to no avail. The boot volume apparently also isn't recognized, but there are no "Still waiting for root device" messages, which leads me to believe that something else is the problem. The machine only has USB3 ports (w/ Intel controller whose pci class id matches the one in the Apple kext, 0x0c0330, so I don't think that is the problem). I have also tried using a fixed DSDT which I made, and that didn't solve the problem either.


Anybody have any ideas as to why this machine isn't booting? I'll make sure to write up a How-To if I get OSX running on this model.


Thanks in advance :)


EDIT: Sorry, I was in a hurry when writing this post yesterday and didn't notice that the image wasn't uploaded, so here it is: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/339/20120729195857.jpg/

Did you try to create your USB stick with "unibe@st" 1.5.1? Create with the last Appstore ML distro.


Let me know since I want to buy this PC.


P.S.: replace @ by a

Yes, I have also tried to create a stick with the mentioned software (which by the rules isn't allowed here due to its closed-source nature), to no avail. AFAIK the GM dmg matches exactly with the latest AppStore release, except if Apple has changed something in the last few days...


EDIT: Just tried it again with a freshly formatted USB stick, but it still hangs at the same point (and doesn't print any "Still waiting for root device" messages), but I still suspect that this has something to do with the USB3 controller...

EDIT: Just tried it again with a freshly formatted USB stick, but it still hangs at the same point (and doesn't print any "Still waiting for root device" messages), but I still suspect that this has something to do with the USB3 controller...

I suspect the same as well. I haven't been able to get much farther than you although the last try was after changing the USB3 initialization option in the BIOS and then getting a KP in AppleACPIPlatform.

The best thing to do would probably be to try and write an image of the OSX installation drive to the internal 32GB SSD. Might try that later tonight and report back with the results...

Interesting idea! I've already got Ubuntu installed there but I can blow that away. I might look into this as well as I've only test installed Windows 7 x64 and Ubuntu x64, both in EFI mode (install/boot). Now, what can write HFS+ journaled volumes? Clonezilla I think but it just does an "image" but that could work.

Ive got mountain lion running on my UX32VD. I also first thought it might be because of USB3 controller/stick, but its more because of the graphics and other stuff that it gets stuck i think, install boots ups fine with "-x" (and "unibe@ast" adds some KEXTs to /E/E on the USB Stick, I think those help). Here's what I did:


1) Create USB Install Stick of Mountain Lion GM with "unibe@ast" 1.4 (did this 2 weeks or so ago, now "unibe@ast" 1.5 is available, havnt tested that)

2) Installing on 32GB internal SSD, MBR partition layout so patched the USB Install Stick with OSInstall files

3) In order to boot the install I had to add safe boot, so -x on bootscreen, had to use external USB mouse as touchpad wasnt working (or working very badly)

4) After installation is finished I could not boot from mountain lion partition - get stuck like you guys, had to remove all KEXTs from /S/L/E that were related to bluetooth (2 I believe) and more importantly the ones for Gforce/Nvidia (about 5 of them), and also I had to copy some KEXTs from /E/E folder from the "unibe@ast" USB Stick to the mountain lion partition (it needs the NullCPUPowerManagent, FakeSMC and the 2 USB ones at the very least, otherwise im getting stuck on the bootup without -x), after this can boot without -x



- HD4000 not working, installed Chimera 1.11 which is supposed to support HD4000, but still doesnt work, can get proper 1920x1080 resolution by adding GraphicsMode to boot.plist

- Wifi not working, since its an Intel Centrino Wifi it will probably never work

- probably other stuff, havnt really done anything with it since without working HD4000 (QE/CI) its pretty useless for me

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Thanks zenlion! Now that you've figured out the installation bits, I'm sure we can get the HD4000 graphics going with some DSDT magic. I've already been studying the MacBookAir5,2 (June 2012) ACPI tables against the UX32VD :)

1) Create USB Install Stick of Mountain Lion GM with "unibe@ast" 1.4 (did this 2 weeks or so ago, now "unibe@ast" 1.5 is available, havnt tested that)

Zenlion, can you post 1.4? There is no archive of this and using 1.5.2 (latest), I can't boot past the PCI configuration stuff. No errors, it just hangs there... Also, how much RAM did you have installed during installation? I've got 10GB any I tried the maxmem=2048 flag but I may just physically put it back to 4GB to see if that helps.


Ok, I found UB 1.4.0 and I can boot to the installer now so there is something with 1.5 that hangs the boot. Looks like I have reboot and partition the free space with GParted as the Disk Utility has hung at "Preparing to partition disk" step...

boot with -v and post photo

Hello, I am having the same problems as gsly. I have replaced the HDD with a Crucial M4 256GB. I just prepared a USB 2.0 flash drive with UB 1.4 and the ML app I downloaded from the App Store. When I boot with -v I get the following screen, post-1046957-0-75441400-1344117538_thumb.jpg I did take the picture before it went to the dreaded, "Still waiting for root device." That seems to be the message I have gotten the most often. Previously, I have tried about every boot flag known to man and downloaded a lot of kexts that have to do with USB and installed them onto S/L/E on the flash drive with KextWizard. I have also tried building my own installer and used UB 1.5 and myhack and none of them worked either. The only way I have gotten to the installer was if I write a boot image to the built-in SanDisk SSD and set the BIOS to boot from it. I want to install OSX to the SSD, so that doesn't really do much for me. Thanks for any help you can provide. Since I can boot to the installer from the SSD, it leads me to believe the problem is definitely related to the USB ports. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Ok, OSX is installed and I can boot from UB 1.4.0 install USB stick, but the Apple installer blew away the contents of the EFI system partition (bad Apple). I just have to restore the copy I made on the 32GB SDD. Interestingly, as I previously installed Windows and Ubuntu in EFI mode, Windows 7 was still able to (automatically) boot from the via the EFI copy! That is one benefit to going full EFI/GPT as MBR would have been broken :)


Hello, I am having the same problems as gsly. I have replaced the HDD with a Crucial M4 256GB. I just prepared a USB 2.0 flash drive with UB 1.4 and the ML app I downloaded from the App Store. When I boot with -v I get the following screen, post-1046957-0-75441400-1344117538_thumb.jpg I did take the picture before it went to the dreaded, "Still waiting for root device." That seems to be the message I have gotten the most often. Previously, I have tried about every boot flag known to man and downloaded a lot of kexts that have to do with USB and installed them onto S/L/E on the flash drive with KextWizard. I have also tried building my own installer and used UB 1.5 and myhack and none of them worked either. The only way I have gotten to the installer was if I write a boot image to the built-in SanDisk SSD and set the BIOS to boot from it. I want to install OSX to the SSD, so that doesn't really do much for me. Thanks for any help you can provide. Since I can boot to the installer from the SSD, it leads me to believe the problem is definitely related to the USB ports. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Use the -x (safe mode) with UB 1.4/ML GM and you should be able to boot. Forget UB 1.5.2 as it just hangs. I also didn't have any luck with myHack or even compiling and using the latest Chameleon on myHack.

Ok, OSX is installed and I can boot from UB 1.4.0 install USB stick, but the Apple installer blew away the contents of the EFI system partition (bad Apple). I just have to restore the copy I made on the 32GB SDD. Interestingly, as I previously installed Windows and Ubuntu in EFI mode, Windows 7 was still able to (automatically) boot from the via the EFI copy! That is one benefit to going full EFI/GPT as MBR would have been broken :)



Use the -x (safe mode) with UB 1.4/ML GM and you should be able to boot. Forget UB 1.5.2 as it just hangs. I also didn't have any luck with myHack or even compiling and using the latest Chameleon on myHack.


Thanks. I tried -x, which I had tried before but forgot to mention, and I got the same message. So I grabbed a different flash drive and remade it again with UB 1.4 and ML. I followed zenlion's directions to the letter through #3 and got the same result. Here's another screenshot when I booted with -x -v. post-1046957-0-84254500-1344122429_thumb.jpg


Any other ideas? I have been messing around with this for a few days and I am about out of ideas.

I also upgraded to 10GB Ram and replaced the harddisk for a Crucial M4, so these are not things that make it not work. I used a USB 3.0 Stick to install, not sure if that matters. When creating the install with UB 1.4 I think I ticked the "Laptop Support" option, that might matter.


Once ML is installed I created /Extra/Extensions on the ML partition and copied the following KEXTs from the USB Stick to it:






Then also removed the following KEXTs from /System/Library/Extensions:









After adding the above KEXTs to /E/E and removing the others from /S/L/E Im able to boot into the ML partition without -x. I have no idea if adding/removing these KEXTs is the right way to do it, just made it work for me without -x, but its probably not the ideal solution.

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I have GA H55N usb3 - ati 5770- and installed ML 10.8 (on 10.7.2 iatkos install no problem) als np after up to 10.7.4

1st problem:

-"USBMSC Identifier (non-unique)" and then "Still waiting for root device..."


solved with throwed away

IOUSBFamily.kext and




dont know which one is responsible


2nd i got stuck with:

"com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded"

solved with above throwed away:










i used and installed

IOUSBFamily.kext and







is normal 2install


from the 10.8 installer USB stick


later i will find out which one is reponsible

i use chameleon bootloader 1856 hbmt fix


so its driver problem and can be solved

Thanks. I tried -x, which I had tried before but forgot to mention, and I got the same message. So I grabbed a different flash drive and remade it again with UB 1.4 and ML. I followed zenlion's directions to the letter through #3 and got the same result. Here's another screenshot when I booted with -x -v. post-1046957-0-84254500-1344122429_thumb.jpg


Any other ideas? I have been messing around with this for a few days and I am about out of ideas.


try this :#30

decided to tinker around with it a bit more:


- Keyboard wasnt working (I didnt even notice before! doh!), moved AppleACPIPlatform.kext / AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext from UB Stick to /E/E on ML partition, this enables keyboard again for me


- Got HD4000 working by adding the following to /E/org.chameleon.Boot.plist (I installed Chimera 1.11, with GraphicsEnabler=Yes its supposed to make HD4000 work but that didnt work for me, with the string below in plist it works for me):





- Used an app called EasyTether to get Network up by tethering to an Android Phone, it fails the install at the end when installing the EasyTether.dmg, but it works anyway


Thats about as far as I can take it, this is my first hackintosh attempt and I have no clue where to look further, DSDT etc? Theres probably many things not working at this stage, but its a basic system with graphics enabled and network, hoping someone can help with the rest

Picking this ultrabook up tomorrow. Have you made any further progress?


e.g. does Wireless work? What about the USB->Ethernet adapter provided? HDMI/mini-VGA? nvidia 620m?

I've been working on getting EFI booting via Clover working (no luck..yet) so I haven't had time to get back to the OS level and evaluate but here is my take:


- Intel WiFi is never going to work unless someone builds a driver. Card can be replaced but the replacement requires smaller (dual) antenna jacks to work with the build in antennas.

- Don't know about the USB->Ethernet jack, I haven't even unpacked it yet :) I'll plug this is under Windows and report what it sees.

- HDMI/mini-VGA *should* work with HD4000. Maybe zenlion can test/comment?

- nVidia 620m is questionable and switch-able graphics will probably take considerable DSDT work. I do hope to look into this aspect eventually.

decided to tinker around with it a bit more:


- Keyboard wasnt working (I didnt even notice before! doh!), moved AppleACPIPlatform.kext / AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext from UB Stick to /E/E on ML partition, this enables keyboard again for me


- Got HD4000 working by adding the following to /E/org.chameleon.Boot.plist (I installed Chimera 1.11, with GraphicsEnabler=Yes its supposed to make HD4000 work but that didnt work for me, with the string below in plist it works for me):





- Used an app called EasyTether to get Network up by tethering to an Android Phone, it fails the install at the end when installing the EasyTether.dmg, but it works anyway


Thats about as far as I can take it, this is my first hackintosh attempt and I have no clue where to look further, DSDT etc? Theres probably many things not working at this stage, but its a basic system with graphics enabled and network, hoping someone can help with the rest


I was having problems getting to the installer earlier. I figured out the problem was the USB Settings in the BIOS and just tested it. I could boot to the USB installer if I have the settings set to Auto and Auto Enabled from top to bottom. At least I think that's what they said. When I changed the top setting to Enabled, the installer didn't boot.


Once I got it installed I removed the Geforce kexts and that solved boot problems I had booting from the 32GB SSD. Well, solved them other than the fact that I can't get the SanDisk SSD to be bootable through the BIOS. It doesn't show up as a bootable option. I can write a different bootable image to the SSD and it shows up as bootable in the BIOS. I have installed Chameleon and it doesn't change anything. I can boot via the USB drive to the SSD though.


Also the device key that I quoted here gives you the correct resolution, thanks for that zenlion. I also installed the VoodooPS2 kexts that allow the touchpad to work as a mouse and the keyboard works as well.


Thank you everybody for your help.

I've been working on getting EFI booting via Clover working (no luck..yet) so I haven't had time to get back to the OS level and evaluate but here is my take:


- Intel WiFi is never going to work unless someone builds a driver. Card can be replaced but the replacement requires smaller (dual) antenna jacks to work with the build in antennas.

- Don't know about the USB->Ethernet jack, I haven't even unpacked it yet :) I'll plug this is under Windows and report what it sees.

- HDMI/mini-VGA *should* work with HD4000. Maybe zenlion can test/comment?

- nVidia 620m is questionable and switch-able graphics will probably take considerable DSDT work. I do hope to look into this aspect eventually.


I did some testing this morning/afternoon. With the device id from zenlion and hooked up through HDMI I get some lines on the left side of the monitor after the grey apple screen and that's all. Hooked up through VGA I get a black screen after the apple screen. I think the device id needs to be changed for those to work.

I also worked on the USB to Ethernet adapter. I installed the drivers from here and they did not work. I edited the Info.plist inside the kext to change the product ID, it installed and got the adapter working. The AX88772b file I have attached was stored in the Plugins folder of IONetworkingFamily.kext in S/L/E. You should be able to put the file there, rebuild the caches and permissions and the USB adapter should work. I also attached the IONetworkingFamily.kext with the file in it. I believe you can just replace the old file with the new one once you unzip it, rebuild caches and permissions and restart and it should work.





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I did some testing this morning/afternoon. With the device id from zenlion and hooked up through HDMI I get some lines on the left side of the monitor after the grey apple screen and that's all. Hooked up through VGA I get a black screen after the apple screen. I think the device id needs to be changed for those to work.

Ok, after looking at the DSDT again, if you look at the references to HDMI and CRTD (VGA I think) devices, they appear to be driven from the PEGP (PCI Express Graphics Port?) or nVidia chip whereas the LCDD is controlled via the GFX0 device (Intel intergrated graphics). So now I think the only way to get those two outputs working is to get the nVidia kext loaded for the 620m.

I also worked on the USB to Ethernet adapter. I installed the drivers from here and they did not work. I edited the Info.plist inside the kext to change the product ID, it installed and got the adapter working. The AX88772b file I have attached was stored in the Plugins folder of IONetworkingFamily.kext in S/L/E. You should be able to put the file there, rebuild the caches and permissions and the USB adapter should work. I also attached the IONetworkingFamily.kext with the file in it. I believe you can just replace the old file with the new one once you unzip it, rebuild caches and permissions and restart and it should work.

Nice work!

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