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10.7 Help!


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I have a hackintosh with 10.7.2 installed all running good, its a core 2 duo 6600 2.40 system.

I have just bought a core 2 quad 6600 2.40 cpu and when i install the cpu the bios reconises it as a quad

but as soon as the loader counts down i get "kernel panic cpu 0" and that is even when i boot from my install dvd or usb pen installer.

I have tried the original 10.7.2 and one from keresh as well.

windows 7 64bit installer works fine and i have tried linux live cd/dvds aswell all work as they should.


my normal hackintosh system is as follows:-


Gigabyte GA-G41MT-S2P(tried F1 and F3 bios)

Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 2.40Ghz Cpu (not clocked)

4GB DDR3 ram

250GB WD 2.5" HDD


Gainwood ATI Radeon HD4870 1GB

450w PSU

Commodore Gaming Case

22" widescreen Monitor

Generic Mouse and Keyboard USB


As above with this system 10.7.2 boots and runns perfectly but if i swap the cpu i get the kernel panic cpu 0.



Can anyone help me with this as i would realy like to have the quad cpu in the system.



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The bios's for this board are F1, F2 and F3 i have tried all 3, i dont know how to update the DSDT?

as i cant boot into the os or installer as as soon as the dvd, hdd or usb boot you get to the options screen for the boot and then right after the kernel panic hits, i will have to make a shore video of what is happening.

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try using boot flag: cpus=1 -f

to see if you can boot. If not use window or linux too extract a clean DSDT and upload. In windows if you use Everest to extract it, you can also extract SSDT tables which would be nice to have as well

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Ok with a bit of messing in the bios with the core 2 duo installed i tweeked some settings and got the installer for 10.7.4 to run, so i went ahead and installed the core 2 quad and still got the kernel panic with 10.7.2,

so i went back into the bios and disabled a few more cpu tweeks and as if by magic it booted into 10.7.2 so i then tried the 10.7.4 installer and now i am now installing 10.7.4 yeh.


Conclusion got my core 2 quad to boot lion.


I will take some pics of the bios to post for others have simular problems with either installing or upgrading to 10.7.4 with this board.

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When flashing a new BIOS version or upgrading your CPU and/or RAM it is a good idea to do a CMOS reset, or at the very least a "load setup defaults" and then configure the BIOS again, the same way it was.


Usually you will want to enable all "advanced CPU features" except "max CPU ID value limit", which is a compatibility setting for running operating systems that are too old to recognize your CPU...such as uh..Windows 98.

Under power management, enable ACPI APIC and ACPI 2.0. For S3 sleep to work, some systems need standby mode set to S3 but others work fine with it left at Auto.

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good to hear, just be sure by "cpu tweaks" you didn't disable any cpu cores or it would kinda take the point out of upgrading. Do as GV advsd, you can also find quite a few tutorials on how to properly set up the bios for gigabyte board if you need more detail.

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