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Após aplicar o patch da minha placa as coisas melhoraram bastante.


O problema é que depois que restarto o computador fica 100%, mas ao longo do dia, desenhar no photoshop com o tablet por exemplo fica lento.


Impossível. Não sei mais oq fazer.


Como posso identificar oque seja? Console?


Já fiz de tudo. Com AGPM e sem. Com Speedstep e sem.


Como a aplicacao dos patches melhoraram a coisa, acho que o negócio está nas IRQ's da DSDT.


Quem pode me ajudar nessa? Estou quase trocando de mobo.


P6TD Deluxe - 930 - oc 3.8



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Hi hugeschnauzer.

Try this:

* Replace (if is present) your DSDT with this --> DSDT

* Update your FakeSMC with latest from kozlek (aka mozodojo) --> HWSensors and move/install it on S/L/E

* Update Chameleon with latest version.


Sorry if I reply in "English".



Hi Fabio. Thank you very much for your time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im fighting with that problem for a real long time.


I've dowloaded the Mozodojo files, just need to click install. right?


But where do the files gone? S/L/E?


Thats my Extensions today (http://cl.ly/2x380W1n3x0I1J3d0K2e)


After install Mozodojo stuff i've removed and now (http://cl.ly/3p2n3Z0e141A152c301S)


Thats my Chameleon panel (http://cl.ly/0M1F2B2m1w0p1y0z2E2Q)


I will wait for your comments.


Will restart now


Thank you very much!!!!!!!!

Hi Fabio.


Thanks for your time again.


But the problem is back (after couple of hours working)


Check the videos with the problem i made please:


Lag: http://cl.ly/3F0w2U2Q0D43392J0H2R

No Lag: http://cl.ly/3V1Y3r3L0x37390r0I35


Please help me.

I work a lot in Photoshop and im going nuts.

I'd like to pay you for that help.


Thank you very much

The Nvidia driver and Cuda driver are the latest.


With no DSDT Photoshop starts lagging.


With DSDT Photoshop starts ok and get Lag after some hours working.


It only Happen in Photoshop CS6.


I guess it do not affect general UI. Measured with Quartz Debug (http://cl.ly/1S0s273j0d2Y2y0N2D04) the same 60fps (moving a open window in finder)


It really bother me


Tks again for your fast response Fabio.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi hugeschnauzer.

Try this:

* Replace (if is present) your DSDT with this --> DSDT

* Update your FakeSMC with latest from kozlek (aka mozodojo) --> HWSensors and move/install it on S/L/E

* Update Chameleon with latest version.


Sorry if I reply in "English".





Hi Fabio

installed mozodojo files in MOuntain Lion and it dont work.

Its a auto installer.. how do i uninstall it?

Tks a lot!!

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