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ok so i have searched and search for this problem found a few threads old ones and none of it works, my problem is this. i have a 17 2600K with a giogabyte UD3H-B3 board everything works the 3000 GPU fine, but i have my GTS 250 card 1GB and it jsut wont work on lion, it used to then i bought a new monitor and updated my mac ad now after the grey apple screen my monitor goes black then sleep, it works fine in SL but not in Lion 10.7.3 i had tried so many things and nothing will work. when i boot into mac using my 3000 the Mc sees the graphics but gives no info on just name, and Vram 1mb lol which isnt right here is a pic. can anyone get this to work PLEASE, the 3000 sucks lol. liek i said if i try to use it as a primary when booting up i can black screen after grey out apple



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we have the same gpu card .. mine works with no problem under 10.6 - 10.7.3 everything apps works smootchies. Just install latest chameleon bootloader .. put "GraphicsEnabler=Yes" in org.chameleon.Boot.plist .. that all .. U should disable Integrated onboard intel GPU by your motherboard bioses

I'm using my motherboards dsdt, and there is nothing in com.apple anour my graphics and in org.chameleon all there is is graphics enabler and it's yet. An yea VRAM 1mb is totally wrong


we have the same gpu card .. mine works with no problem under 10.6 - 10.7.3 everything apps works smootchies. Just install latest chameleon bootloader .. put "GraphicsEnabler=Yes" in org.chameleon.Boot.plist .. that all .. U should disable Integrated onboard intel GPU by your motherboard bioses

I have that already and still nothing just. Black screen, and I'm using chimera 1.9.1 latest

So I narrowed the problem down, the graphics card hooked up to svid works great, perfect but a soon as I hook it up to a dvi to hdmi cable nothing, I had tried about a dozen different dvi to hdmi cables and still nothing, but when I hook it up to my TV the svid works perfect and the card works amazing. What is the problem? Am I missing something here?

There are driver problems with GTS 250/9800gt on os x which prevent HDCP. You may get it working by injecting a mac GFX ROM via Chameleon:


do u think u could do the object for me? I have been having so much problems trying to do that? Please

I'm not sure if this method works with lion but you can try:



to your ...Boot.plist

download the ROM from post #431 rename it to your ID if needed.

If that dosen't work u can try it with the NVIDIA Drivers for 10.7.3.


A method which will work 100% is to use the kexts from Snow <10.6.2:


I was finally able to get the card working I used your first method it worked amazing :) thanks so much man, but one thing I notice under system info the card says x8 but it's in the x16 slot Is this a problem? Also was wondering how can I find out of its running at full clock speed?

The performance different should not be very big. There are benchmarks on hardware sites that confirm that. On Z68 MB there are only a limited number of PCIe lanes. The two pegp slots divide them so if in both slotzs is a card they run both with x8 speed. Also when the one card only need x1 speed the other will only run with x8 speed. So if u have one more slot free put the other card in that slot to have full speed for gpu.



,this is the system information I have with a GTS250



GeForce GTS 250:


Chipset Model: GeForce GTS 250

Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

Slot: Slot-1

PCIe Lane Width: x16

VRAM (Total): 1024 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0615

Revision ID: 0x00a2

ROM Revision: 62.92.9A.00.00



Resolution: 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz

Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)

Display Serial Number: SerialNumber

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Rotation: Supported


I use an 2500K but it is not showed above



my org boot etc.









<key>Graphics Mode</key>






<key>Kernel Flags</key>



I suggest you to reinstall the lion with the USB chameleon method, and setup to boot with an external video card if it is available...at bios





I installed on my PC kakewalk lion 10.7.2

Installation gone good until the end, but i have problem with black screen in HDMI.


Hardware setup:

Gigabyte ex58-udp4

6 gb ram

1 asus engts250 dark knight dvi-i x 2 (i have only 2 dvi connector)

and i have 2 monitor 24'' samsung (vga or hdmi )


I buyed 2 cable DVI-I-> HDMI and in other system i use this in HDMI MODE both.


This is my step:

i prepared USB Stick with Kakewalk 4.1 (using dmg of lion)

Installed 10.7.2 and 10.7.3


All is OK:

i installed nvidia 700.xx driver for my card (from nvidia site)

If i restart pc.. and i connect 1 DVI->VGA, computer star normaly... i have full support (Acceleration, FULL HD resolution)

If i connect 1 monitor in HDMI .. all freeze.

if i connect hdmi before start.. after APPLE logo, i get black screen.. all monitor shutdown and pc continue to work (i tested opening DVD slot with key in keyboard and work).


So i think is problem of "dvi-I -> HDMI" connection.

i tested many solution in this forum.. i tryed to load "FROM ROM file" extracted from my videocard..

Used old driver nvidia..

Only VGA work for me, if i connect HDMI is black screen.

In verbouse mode he stop after DSMOS is Arrived..

NV****50HAL.kext is the last message i see in monitor. Monitor instead show me "login screen" show me "black screen like i remove power to monitor and they go sleep.


I don't care to have "HDMI for audio", but i need to have in HDMI video signal.. cause i don't want to change cable connected to my computer everytime i need OS X.

Is possibile to get HDMI working?

I tested Efi string with Efistudio too, NVENABLER and NVINJECT...


All the rest in pc work good.. (sound, ecc..)




This method i need again to test.. today i try..





I not undestand again why.. after many hours i work in macos.. and restart windows system... the "date" is locked...

For example yesterday when i started windows instead of 00.00 i got 9.00...

The same problem for me it's cause that graphics card with hackintosh is a {censored} for dvi to hdmi cords u need a straight dvi to dvi or hdmi to hdmi, did u try the above solutions the rom one worked perfect for me with adding a few things in the strings

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