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Hey, I just did a retail install of Lion 10.7.2 on my pc using this guide


I can't figure out how to get my ATI 4650 to work, I am currently using VGA but wish to use DVI if possible, Also I don't have any effects working like launchpad looks awful and I can only get 1 resolution which is awful!

Sorry for my n00bness :P

Thanks for all the help!

- Jacob

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write your cards deviceid in ATI4600Controller.kext and in the ATIRadeonX2000.kext at the IOPCIMATCH key inside the Info.plist save ehm reinstall both kexts (kext wizard) to S/L/E... repair permissons ...reboot Done !


Sounds Good, I'll give it a go when I get home!

Just one more question, what does S/L/E mean?

Thanks for all your help :)

write your cards deviceid in ATI4600Controller.kext and in the ATIRadeonX2000.kext at the IOPCIMATCH key inside the Info.plist save ehm reinstall both kexts (kext wizard) to S/L/E... repair permissons ...reboot Done !


Didn't work copied the Kext's to my desktop and opened the package contents and opened info.plist with TextEdit and in the string section underneath IOPCIMATCH I cleared out all the other keys and put mine (which I got from system profiler) in there, saved I did the same for both and went to Kext Wizard and under the Installation tab and selected both (holding down Command and clicking both of the Kext's on my desktop (ATI4600Controller.kext and ATIRadeonX2000.kext)) and selected /System/Library/Extensions under "Destination" and clicked Install. Then I went into the Maintenance Tab and selected Repair Permissions under System/Library/Extensions and executed it, rebooted and I'm still not getting my proper resolution or graphics performance :(


My device ID is: 0x9498 if that helps



All help whatsoever is appreciated


Also if I look in /S/L/E and look at ATI4600Controller.kext and ATIRadeonX2000.kext I they have been changed.




I added 1002 (to make it 0x94981002) onto the end of the device ID in the files and I now have all the proper resolution and my display is showing up in System Profiler!!!!!



The only issue now is that things like launch pad, mission control, screensaver are really choppy! Like they aren't fluid! Also iTunes in cover flow mode says "iTunes is unable to browse album covers on this computer." My graphics card is showing up correctly in system profiler

Please help :)

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