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So, my OCZ Vertex 3 seems not to run properly: it is specified for 550MB/s read AND write speed. As i´m quiete aware, that these are theoretical speeds and in every day use about ±80% should be realistic, i´m very sattiesfied with my read speed, but what the heck is wrong with writing? Anyone any suggentions?






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I have the same problem on my Original MacBookPro 13" (late 2009).

I'm using the OCZ Agility 3 (SATA-3) on my SATA-2 connector and getting around 100 MB/s write and 125 MB/s read, while the theoretical speed should be around 250 MB/s...

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Blackmagic Disk Speed Test, genau wie du...


The issue is that my SSD should a better throughput than my mentioned 100 MB/s (125 MB/s):


Excerpt from http://www.mactrast.com/2011/09/mactrast-reviews-ocz-vertex-3-ssd/ :


Make no mistake about it – installing an SSD in your Mac will provide a serious boost in performance, which makes sense considering that a traditional 7200RPM hard drive can operate at a max of around 105MB/Sec, whereas a SATA 2 SSD can operate at up to around 300MB/Sec, and the fastest SATA 3 SSD’s can operate at 550GB/s, nearly maxing out the 600GB/s maximum speed of SATA 3.


I also just tried the Aja System Test app...

There you have the ability to check/uncheck the file system cache...

See the attached results:


BTW: Are you using the TRIM Enabler for your SSD?



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Yap, as shown in Screenshot, TRIM IS enabled ;)


Think i found it:


Blackmagic just shows wrong values on some SandForce Controllers! Some new SSD´s (like Agility 3) use compression when writing to disk, so it assumes ALL SandForce Controllers do use that feature. Blackmagic tries to "compense" the file compression somehow ... this "feature" is massively criticized in AppStore comments, also ...


Just tried to copy 2 GB file (1,93GB) from RAMdisk to SSD -> 8 seconds -> everything seems to be just fine :)



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