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I am trying to patch AppleRTC.kext to eliminate the CMOS reset issue on my Gigabyte GA-P45-UD3P mobo. I tried it (via Terminal) and the CMOS resets continue. Do I have to modify S/L/E folder permissions or the file permissions to apply the patch? Should the "Modified" date on the kext change after I do this?


This is the last thing I need fixed to have my Lion Install work completely and I have been pulling my hair out for 2 weeks over this.

Here's what i entered in Terminal to apply the patch



sudo perl -pi -e 's|\x75\x30\x44\x89\xf8|\xeb\x30\x44\x89\xf8|; s|\x75\x3d\x8b\x75\x08|\xeb\x3d\x8b\x75\x08|' /System/Library/Extensions/AppleRTC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleRTC


Then a ran the kext utility app.


Is there any way (other than the CMOS reset issue going away) to confirm what I did worked?


Where is the best place to start to attempt this fix via patching via DSDT?

It was under RTC....here is it


Device (RTC)
				Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0B00"))
				Name (ATT0, ResourceTemplate ()
					IO (Decode16,
						0x0070,			 // Range Minimum
						0x0070,			 // Range Maximum
						0x00,			   // Alignment
						0x02,			   // Length
					IRQNoFlags ()

Edited by Gringo Vermelho
added code tags and closing bracket, be careful!

Normally the fix for the CMOS reset issue is changing the length to 0x02 but yours is already correct.

Try removing the IRQ so it looks like this:

Device (RTC)
				Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0B00"))
				Name (ATT0, ResourceTemplate ()
					IO (Decode16,
						0x0070,			 // Range Minimum
						0x0070,			 // Range Maximum
						0x00,			   // Alignment
						0x02,			   // Length


Note, don't copy and paste DSDT code from websites, always edit by hand and make sure you don't screw up the formatting. Formatting errors are sometimes not visible to the human eye, these can drive you insane when trying to track them down.


While you have your DSDT open you might want to look at this: http://www.projectos...p?showtopic=564

Don't copy his code, edit your own and remove the IRQs as they are in your DSDT, it doesn't matter if they are not the same as his.

Removing IRQs on the devices mentioned will allow OS X to set the IRQs it wants to use.

You can use IORegistryExplorer.app from Apple developer tools to check and compare IRQs before and after.

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