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Which video card?

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I have now an integrated video card (865G) but I don't have any OpenGL acceleration.

So it's quite slow and I cannot even watch a movie on VLC.


So I want to buy a video card, but I don't need a very fast one.

So I am searching for a cheap price, a very very good compatibility with Hackintosh MacOS, and I want to install it easily.


What should I take? ATI, NVidia? What do you recommand?



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ati x300se, which works with oepngl and quartz extreme. Or a x1600.



Do I need a special driver to make the x300SE work?

Will I have 1600x1200 resolution?


Thank you very much for help!

I saw this card is about 45-50 euros and it's ok for me.

I can also buy a GMA900 mobo, but I think it will be more expensive.


Thank you again!

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Yes, you will need the callisto driver for the x300se. Anyway, I don't advise you to buy an ATI now. Boris's method for the x1600 will only work on the current drivers. When Apple upates the driver, it will not work. The Callisto is driver has been abandoned and omni left the project. I would recommend Intel or of you can wait for macvidia to release a fully working driver, then buying an NVidia would be a better choice.

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NONONONO, stop going to buy somethign cheap, it will only casue you more headaches in the future, X300Se etc series suck. They have teearing opengl support is patchy and all that. If yuo absolutley need a cheap video card that has opengl get a ATI 9800XT or sumthign or even a 9600Xt it will perform better than the X300 even though it isnt fully supported and you will still get tearing. If you want no tearing or anything get a X1600. Full stop even then they are very cheap anyway.

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I am trying with an 9600.

If I have no Callisto driver installed, OpenGL works but I cannot access Resolution setup...

If I install Callisto, then I have all resolutions, but I don't have OpenGL acceleration.


So in all cases, it's not good for me because I think the resolution with native drivers is something like 1280x1024 but with 60Hz and my eyes will die...

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