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SSE3 and SSE2?


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I have a pentium 805 (dual core 2.66), which as far as I know is SSE3 enabled.

When installing osx 10.4.6 (HOTiSO), I selected all the customisations except for the AMD ones.

This includes the Intel SSE2 and SSE3 customisations.

The computer appears to function fine, except that the menu bar does not work although I assume this is unrelated.

Did I select the right customisations, or am I needlessly emulating SSE3 instructions?



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You really should have selected only SSE3 and not SSE2. This might affect your menu bar.


Really, the SSE selection affects the menu bar?

What other problems might I have considering that I've got both the SSE2 and SSE3 patches running on my computer?

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SSE3 vs SSE2 on processors which support both is a thing that has always confused me. I recently installed OSX on 100% Intel hardware (945, GMA950, P4 930) and everything went super smoothly.


The first test install I did with both patches SSE3 and SSE2. No problems whatsoever and no noticeably slow performance. Then I installed again, this time only SSE3 selected. Same thing as before. I just don't notice any difference.


The system profiler will only show SSE2 on this particular config, either way.


To make the confusion perfect, the compatibility lists on the wiki state 'YES' in the column 'Works without patch?' for most of the recent Intel processors. Does that mean you can install OSX without ticking any of the SSE patches for those processors?


Perhaps this has been discussed before but I've never seen a precise summary of what is possible, the do's and dont's.


Just a remark - I NEVER have to run anything with Rosetta enabled on the machine I mentioned before (not my laptop below).




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Everyone is always running Rosetta whether you like it or not.


ATSServer daemon is coded in PPC. Thus it requires Rosetta to be present and functional. ATSServer also has ties to the TPM security module.


This is Apple's idea of anti-hacker devices. Pain in the neck! Lowly Celerons and Pentium Ms will suffer when doing some GUI stuff.

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Typically nothing shows up on the right side of the menu bar - no time, no menu bar items. And sometimes Spotlight is affected, won't work or the icon flashes continually meaning it is stuck in an indexing loop.

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Everyone is always running Rosetta whether you like it or not.


ATSServer daemon is coded in PPC. Thus it requires Rosetta to be present and functional. ATSServer also has ties to the TPM security module.


This is Apple's idea of anti-hacker devices. Pain in the neck! Lowly Celerons and Pentium Ms will suffer when doing some GUI stuff.

I hear you mate. I'm an absolute dummy when it comes to those things. What I meant is that I never have to check that Rosetta box for any of the apps I run and have never had any crashes with 'pure' PPC apps - unlike others who are saying they HAVE to check the box to keep it stable.




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Everyone is always running Rosetta whether you like it or not.


ATSServer daemon is coded in PPC. Thus it requires Rosetta to be present and functional. ATSServer also has ties to the TPM security module.


This is Apple's idea of anti-hacker devices. Pain in the neck! Lowly Celerons and Pentium Ms will suffer when doing some GUI stuff.

puto@puto-desktop:~/.ssh$ file /mnt/macos/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support/ATSServer

/mnt/macos/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support/ATSServer: Mach-O fat file with 2 architectures


O RLY? ;)

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Really! ^_^




" But do I need Rosetta to run OS X?


OS X itself should run fine without Rosetta, but it seems that Apple deliberately left ATSServer (the daemon responsible for GUI fonts) compiled for PPC, so it relies on Rosetta. And as the GUI will not run without ATSServer, it depends on Rosetta and the TPM module as well. "


But I hear ya... if it is indeed Universal due to a recent update, I'd be jumping up and down. I will have to update my system to 10.4.6 and then to 10.4.7 to see if that indeed did happen.


BTW, how can you determine what those two architectures are? They could well be PPC and 68000 (*cringe*).

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Hmm it appears my OSX installation does not have rossetta after all. And in the system profiler it only displays sse/sse2 but no sse3.


How can I remove the sse2 patch so sse3 will function normally, without having to reformat?

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The question: How do you determine the architecture of that file.


We apply a very specialized tool that most people dont have in their pocket-protector


It's called Logic. Since OS X has only been released in two architectures (PPC and X86), we can use Logic to infer that it's system files, when displayed as 2 architecture mach-o fat binaries, will use the only two architectures the operating system is available for.

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That still doesn't answer the question.


Assumption and Fact are two different things. Of course I can deduce that, but is it wrong to be absolutely sure and have OS X spell it out?


Remember the old saying "Don't assume or you'll make an ASS of U and ME?"


Anyways, I did "file" on ATSServer and it spat out only as Mach-O and i386 binary. Didn't say it was 2 architecture.


But I did that while using the system. Pu7o did it in a another system (see the "/mnt/..." part.


At least I can suppose it is running as Intel native.


Someone has to edit the wiki FAQ page.

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Hmm it appears my OSX installation does not have rossetta after all. And in the system profiler it only displays sse/sse2 but no sse3.


How can I remove the sse2 patch so sse3 will function normally, without having to reformat?


No rosetta? What happens when you try to run PPC apps?

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ooook... Ignoring the argument above...


No rosetta? What happens when you try to run PPC apps?


The PPC (only) apps don't run. This leads me to conclude I don't have rosetta. Correct?

Can I just look for and delete a sse2 kext or something like that?


If not, is there anyway i can save my settings so that when I reformat, I don't loose everything?

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Well I've solved the problem.

Turns out I still had the AMD decrypts enabled >_<

This resulted in the menu bar problems, the rosetta problems, the spotlight/mds problems.


Thanks for all your help, I now have a fully functional hackintosh!

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