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BitTorret Clients


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Ok, lately I've had another member here keep telling and telling me to switch to transmission for my torrent client. I'm currently using Azureus with safepeer installed. I hear transmission is very fast but at the same time there's no safepeer for it. My question is, how safe are we if we don't use plugins like safepeer, and what is the fastest client. I'm thinking of switching but thought i'd ask you guys what you use. I've tried tomato and switched to azureus shortly after. Let me know. Thanks, kevin

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You should know that Transmission is being banned on some trackers because it's not reporting stats properly. Also Tomato is also banned on some trackers not sure why. One client that no one seems to talk about much is Bits On Wheels but it's looking like it's a dead client no updates in 9 months.


You can use Peer Guardian that will work with all BT clients. To run without it depends on were you live, if your American with the DMCA then you should run it. I'm Canadian and have received many threats of lawsuits, I just ignore them because all of them threatened me under the DMCA which has no powers here.


I use Azureus with Peer Guardian, I tried SafePeer but was not impressed with it.

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Ok, I've got Peer Guadrian installed but i'm not sure if i'm running it correctly. I installed it fine and then opened the app that was in my applications folder. A peerguardian log came up and it shows all of the blocked and allowed addresses. Do i need to manually open peer guardian every time for it to work? Also, can someone help me on how to allow certain sites like apple. Thanks a ton, kevin


EDIT: I guess i'm not using this right because Apple.com and all of the their sites still work. Can anyone help me. Thanks a lot, kevin

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Peer Guardian runs automatically at boot, the app in apps is just the GUI for it but it does not need to be running for it to work. As for setting it up I found it very confusing and have not figured all of it out yet, I have only been using it for a few days. I tried running the windows version both NT and 9x using Crossover the 9x version loads but does not block anything.

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I've been using Transmission for a while, but it has a common tendency to unexpectedly quit in the middle of a download. After hours of downloading, the torrent reverts back to a measily 3-7% progress, regardless of how far the progress bar was before it crashed. The developers seem to be a little careless and updates are unfortunately not very frequent.


I'm trying Azureus, but the icon bounces and disappears. I know this is a common problem, but I'm trying to work it out.

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I had the same problem with Azureus. You need an intel build of Azureus. I'll try and find the page. Google search something like 'Azureus Intel Wiki," it should find it. Also have you ever been contacted by any company saying to stop using illagel copies or anything like that, or do you use something liek peer guardian? Thanks a lot, kevin

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Ok, I've done a lot of searching around on google and peerguardian's forum and user guide, and I'm still having trouble finding out how to allow certain sites. I can't load many sites such as interfacelift and that's nonsense. If anyone can help me out and tell me how to use the allow ip filter function that'd be great. Thanks, kevin

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I've been using transmission and i think its great...i especially like the dock bandwidth meters. I had the same problem with azureus not loading. Even though you guys say I can get the intel build I think I'll stick with transmission. Plus Azureus for Windows left a bad taste in my mouth due to it being such a resource hog.

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