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Cloning Methods

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A friend of mine (member here) installed me a osx 10.6 on intel dx58os.

I want to make the copy of the working disk for security.I did it with ccc, and Disk utilty but due to nature of the disk the cloning process is not complete.Here is a screen shot of the disk I want to clone, Any suggestions ? Thanks.diskclone.jpg

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What do you mean by not complete?


People use terms that may not be appropriate.


It is one thing to clone a drive and it is another thing to clone a partition.


CCC clones partitions.



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Your trying to clone the drive with CCC? Then if this is the case you need to have both drives free and able to unmount. If you only have one OSX install it will not work considering CCC is unable to unmount the drive containing the OSX install. With two separate installs it is possible sense one drive is the OS and the other can be cloned to a separated blank or other drive.


You might also consider changing the order of the boot drive in the BIOS but that depends if you have Chameleon set up on USB or just on a primary using multiple installs of OSX.

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Thanks for your answer,

Neil, first ,I m very green in this matter, and second English is not my primary language (4) so , please excuse me if people do not use appropriate language.

Hangthen,my system start from this hard drive, no usb is plugged,no cd is installed.In the Bios when i set the disk from HIDE to AHIC,Snow Leopard 10.6.4 start,(and yes at the starting there is the green chameleon).

What I want to do( if it s not to complicated ) is have an emergency start up disk , in case this one for some reason stop working.

The guy how set up this machine do not leave here.That s why I wan to have a copy.


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Thank you Gringo,

but i think the best way will be to wait until my friend come back... :blink:


You could try "CopyCatX" but you must install it on other working OSX and have your actual disk attached via usb. It's a good method used for create iPortable Snow also. You could ask to a friend that have OSX to do this for you.


If you want a tutorial made from a real "guru", look here

Hope it help!

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