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Boot.plist is ignored in Chameleon RC4

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I've got SL 10.6.4 mostly working with a few boot flags. I used the HackInstaller script from digital_dreamer to install everything and have got SL 10.6.4 installed on the second partition of my HDD (first being W7). There's one problem with Chameleon RC4 though. Whenever I edit the boot.plist with the hackinstaller, the changes are indeed saved in /Extra/com.apple.boot.plist. However, whenever I boot, everything is ignored, resulting in me having to type everyhing in Chameleon.


I'm also not able to theme because of it. Does anyone know the answer to this problem?

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Gosh dangit dude I have the same damn problem. My com.apple.Boot.plist file is being partialy ignored though. Some things are read like my Vbios file. But when it comes to changing the Timeout, Nothing. Also I can't get Instant Menu to work either or 64bit boot. It's so frustrating, and I have searched online for the past 2 weeks and I keep getting the same answer of reinstalling Chameleon but NO DICE!!!!! Somebody please help!!! :wacko:-_-:blink:



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The file is corrupt or mal-formatted. A sure sign of this is that it auto-sorts the keys and strings alphabetically, vanilla com.apple.Boot.plist doesn't do that.


Delete what you have and start with a clean com.apple.Boot.plist. There are several attached around here in the forums, use google or the search to find one.

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Wow, I noticed it does that last night when I used PlistEditPro. Thank you very much for your help. I will try it out and report back with success or failure.


Update: Chameleon is still not giving me Instant Menu. Everything else is being read from my boot.plist but Instant menu.


This is what I have in my plist file...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>


<key>Instant Menu</key>










Could it be Chameleon that's the problem? Because I even tried changing the theme and that doesn't work either!!!

Please help if you can. Thank you.



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Anyone can help at all? I'm starting to think I'll have to reinstall just to get the damn thing working. It is actually that annoying but would like to not have to. So please if anyone has any other ideas as to why it's only reading some and not all of my boot.plist, please reply or PM me.


Thank You


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Apparently some users are experiencing this because of using the chain0 and the osx drive not being the primary/active partition. I, too, have a multi-boot harddrive with W7 as the primary partition. I think that's the problem here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
that might be the problem but there is no solution? I'm trying to set my SL 10.6.3 to boot as 32bits without typing the "arch=i386" command before booting...

same here. Chameleon ignores kernel flags in com.apple.Boot.plist.


It is fixed for me after installing PC-EFI 10.6. I've used package from here http://www.tonymacx86.com/Public/PC-EFI%2010.6.zip

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