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MacTech staff and

columnists were ineligible, and recipients could not currently be employed

at Apple.


MacTech 25 List:


Aaron Hillegas

Adam & Tonya Engst

Amit Singh

Andrina Kelly

Andy Ihnatko

Ben Wilson

Brent Simmons

Dan Frakes

Danny Goodman

David Pogue


John Gruber

John Siracusa

Jonathan “Wolf” Rentzsch

Josh Wisenbaker

Michael Bartosh

Mike Breeden

Nigel Kersten

Ray Barber

Ric Ford

Rich Siegel

Rob Griffiths

Rosyna Keller

Scott Knaster

Wil Shipley


Honorable Mention:


Dave Mark

Joel Rennich

John Welch

Mike Bombich

Schoun Regan

Tim Monroe





Hmm... I wonder why Maxxuss isn't on that list? (Or is he? :angry:)

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What has drunkenbatman developed?


The list is actually of "influential" people, not "developers", so the title I choose for the thread is somewhat misleading. Likewise, John Siracusa is not known as an developer either but rather as the leading critic of the OS X Finder.


Hasn't he disappeared?


Yes, just like Maxxuss did... hmm... could Drunkenbatman be Maxxuss??? (just kidding)

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