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OSX on Intel DG31PR Problems


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I have a basic system


Intel DG31PR motherboard (BIOS = PRG3110H.86A 0065)

1GB DDR2 667




I tried two different ways to install OSX86


First was by using a downloaded disc (Snow Leopard 10.6.1-10.6.2 Intel AMD made by Hazard)


This disk was the first thing I popped in and I was impressed, it booted up, and installed without a hitch, however once the installation was complete the computer would not boot into OSX.


I tried to read up what things I should install and what NOT to install. Tried at least 15 different installations and same thing everytime.


I currently have an error when trying to boot from the HD where the above disk installed without problems






Not sure if I can do anything to fix this, but that's why I'm here asking and hoping someone can help.


I have since tried to make a bootable OSX USB stick using my daughters MacBookPro and OSX Installation Disk (This is not Snow Leopard, its some version of Leopard, just not 100% sure which. I followed these steps


How to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard...


I also tried to find some additional info and managed to get the OSX USB stick to be recognized at least, I added a few kexts to the EXTRA folder and got this screenshot...





In either case, please try to steer me in the right direction so I can get this to work...


I had a computer laying around that needed a new motherboard and I read up on OSX86Project.org about recent compatible hardware and saw that the Intel DG31PR is the


"...Best Motherboard For MAC OS X!!!!!..."


as per this link




so having a basic motherboard with no addons (yet) I figured I would be good enough to install and run the basic system...


Thanks in advance for any help.

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My first install was with Leopard 10.5.1 and was very easy, no problem except video acceleration (BTW need to specify your video card or inboard(which usually cause panics and other stuff)).


If you could get/download a distro like Atkios or iDeneb or Kalyway(I recommend this one) for 10.5.x you could try it. Its a lot easier than 10.6 Snow and will allow you to later install Snow from your Leopard install if you wish (you should).


Your problem seems to be a) DSDT related or :blink: could be video if you dont have a graphics card.


You really are not booting at all, getting a kernel panic with CPUPowerManagement (classic Snow Problem not present in Leopard 10.5.x) and later a ACPI kernel panic (also Snow related).


If you have 10.5 installed, you can try to Snow install from your HD which is a lot faster to do (<15 minutes) vs DVD install (30 minutes).


Dont give up, it will work.


I suggest this method based on my first SNOW install in my PC (had Leopard working) which was full of kernel panics. I fixed them by running an application that creates/corrects the standard DSDT loaded by SNOW which immediately panics with AppleCPUPower. This is a know error with the RTC (real time clock) and there is a patch for it. I don't know if the distro you have for SNOW patches the DSDT for YOUR computer (I don't think so, so many different mobos) and I don't know either if you can run the DSDT Patcher GUI (google it) from a CD/DVD. So, in order to correct the DSDT you need to running OSX already, hence the Leopard install.



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I have the basic motherboard (I wanted to get that running first and at a later date, if all worked well, decide on what Video card to get). So its just using the onboard video for now.


I will try to get one of those distros (preferably Kalyway as you recommended).


At that point do I simply pop it in and it should work somewhat or do I still have to alter it in some way prior to the actual installation process?

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I have the basic motherboard (I wanted to get that running first and at a later date, if all worked well, decide on what Video card to get). So its just using the onboard video for now.


I will try to get one of those distros (preferably Kalyway as you recommended).


At that point do I simply pop it in and it should work somewhat or do I still have to alter it in some way prior to the actual installation process?


I assume you did all the settings Snow require (like AHCI, etc). I didnt know the stuff about only 2 sata available. That doesnt look good. Try it anyway.


Yes, Kalyway is very straight forward. I recommend you do 2 installations. A fast one, without any options like printers, etc, so that you know it boots and then a second one with any options you need, including sound, lan, etc.


Good luck.

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Yes I did try many different settings in the BIOS, however the various postings I followed up to the point where I decided to "write for help" did not always specify the changes in the BIOS with regards to my motherboard which is the DG31PR


I saw AHCI in many posts and saw screenshots showing Enable/Disable AHCI, however in my BIOS AHCI doesn't appear anywhere. I assumed its "Use Serial ATA = Enable" please correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, "ATA/IDE Mode = Legacy" also please correct me if that's correct, perhaps it should be Native instead of Legacy.


I am in the process of dling Kalyway 10.5.2, so as soon as I get it I will post an update


As for being limited to 2 SATA ports I have only 2 SATA devices setup for now so its not YET an issue.


I read somewhere that you can have 2 SATA Ports+2 IDE Ports or 4 SATA ports with some kext which I can't remember right now. But that may have been for Snow Leopard.

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Apparently Sata mode is AHCI according to Intel. look here.




Its Native, allows all SATA devices (4) and 0 IDEs (i guess).


According to PDF BIOS for your mobo,




In Advanced > Drive Configuration select AHCI. Confirm this please.

Also there select Sata ONLY


These parameters could or could not affect but will be necessary for performance latter on.

In Power section, enable EIST and Enhanced Speedstep technology.


In Advance>Chipset Configuration enable HPET (precision timer needed for SNOW).


In Main, enable Hyper Thread Technology.


In Security, enable Virtualization Tech (Snow)


Advance>USB Config Enable for legacy USB.


If after these changes things are worst or doesn't work at all, reboot to BIOS and F9 (or whatever) to restore to default BIOS config.


Good luck.

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Kalyway 10.5.2 downloaded and installed successfully, seems to be running fine (dual core).


-Sound works

-Onboard Ethernet works

-Video is limited to 1024x768


Now that I'm here, Is it safe to run Software Update or should I do some other things first?


Obviously I need to get video to work better, for now I would like to use the onboard video.

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You have now choices which depend on some factors:


1) Did you partition the HD GUID?

IF not GUID can not install Snow. I think you already knew this.

2) How many partitions?

2-3? 1=Kalyway and Backup OSX, 2= Snow and Active OSX, 3= Windows 7

You could also install Ubuntu or something like that but it really gets messy.


There is a good tutorial on how to install Snow from a Retail Snow Leopard, but I think you have an AMD processor?


In any case, your onboard video WILL NOT give you high resolution (Snow or Leopard),will not allow you to watch movies, use photo-booth and other applications that required Hardware Acceleration and QE/CI. There is no known kext for it. Read this http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t=#entry1373230


I strongly recommend a cheap NVidia Card. Google for HCL 10.5 or HCL 10.6 so can select an appropriate one, if you choose to. (Long discussion made short, ATI is very far away from Nvidia for Hackintosh. Lots of forum talks about it. Still, there are several ATI cards that work. HCL will tell you which).


BTW you can increase VGA resolution by inserting this in com.apple.boot.plist. "Graphics Mode=1240x1024@32" without the quotes. Then replace it. It resides in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration. Need to put it on the desktop, edit it and replace it in the /L/P/S folder.


If you decide to use 10.5, there are Update for it to 10.5.8 (I think). Google for it. There are two versions of it, Update and Comboupdate. The former is "one version at a time" meaning, 10.5.2->10.5.3 then another download for 10.5.3->10.5.4, etc. The latter is for a final jump to whatever version you got, for example, ComboUpdate10.5.8 will get you to 10.5.8 from wherever you currently stand.


If you decide to install Snow, let me know so I can point you in the correct direction.


Good luck, and enjoy your "Mac".

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Just to clear things up, my system is a


2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


I am trying to download the 10.5.8 Combo Update.


So from what I understand, Is there anything that we can update through the Apple Software Update utility? as long as its not OSX system related (for example is it ok to update iTunes?, and other items?) or do we have to download everything manually and install seperately.

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Correct. Anything OSX related is a gamble. Other apps at most will crash the app but not the OSX so its not a great concern. Manually is another option with same result. If you havent done one manual installation its a good excersice to ee how OSX manages installation volumes, the process, etc.


Having Intel CPU you could install Snow now very easily. If interested let me know to show you how and what is required.

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Btw, I have one partition (GUID) as per instructions from the previous trials of OSX 10.6 installations that failed, I would appreciate instructions to continue from here to 10.6. Also, what about the DSDT file? I haven't done anything to mine yet.


I have downloaded the iDeneb 10.5.8 Combo Upgrade which I will attempt to install shortly


I am however very interested in upgrading to Snow Leopard 10.6.


Do I need a proper video card for this? so far I'm still on the onboard Intel 3100 video.


I am weighing my options but there is a lot to choose from when it comes to nVidia.


Quick question.


Where exactly in the com.apple.Boot.plist am I supposed to insert the Graphics change information as you specified in the post, and how exactly is it supposed to be typed up, just want to make sure I don't mess this up and end up with a resolution or video setting that is unusable. Btw, am I able to change to a widescreen resolution or am I stuck with 4:3 ratio here until I get a good video card?



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If you want to install Snow, the best way Ive found is via an existing installation, so this is how Ill explain it below.




Snow Leopard Original DVD (or could try the Snow image you download for your first try)

Compatible Video Card (or could try with onboard video)

This folder MacLoader_SL_0.4.zip




- Preliminary: Install Leopard


- Install Leopard bare bones. Dont worry about updating or anything, as long as it works. Make 3 partitions. First Partition for Leopard (call it Leopard), Mac Os Extended (make in minimum so 10GBs looks ok). Second will be Snow, Mac Os Extended (you decide space) call it Snow, and third if later installing Windows make it Fat call it W7. (Names are irrelevant but acts a reference).


- Custom install Leopard for bare bones. No updates necessary if your are going to use Snow.


- Boot into Leopard. Try it out so as to know its working. This is where you are right now.

- Download DSDT Patcher GUI and run it. <Google it>

- Select Apply DSDT Patch to: <select your Leopard installation>

- Go to your desktop (Finder) and open a folder

- Go to your Leopard volume and click it to open a window. You should find a dsdt.aml file there. Copy it and put it inside the Macloader>Scriptfiles. Should replace the existing one that is for a DG35EC motherboard.


- Installing Snow from Leopard.


If you have an original DVD, make an Image of it. (how to make an Image: Open Applications>Utilities>Diskutil, Insert your DVD, menu File>New>Disk Image from (wherever your dvd is) and save it wherever (desktop good idea))

Once you have an Image original or downloaded (havent tried with a downloaded one):


- mount the image (double click it)... a volume will show in the desktop and a window will show some icons (close it)

- open Terminal (in Applications>Utilities)

- sudo su

- <your password>

- cd <and drag the mounted image in the desktop to the Terminal app. It will insert the correct path>

- cd system/installation/packages

- open osinstall.mpkg. A windows opens up with instructions for the OS Installation

- GO ahead and do a standard install or if you want customize (may not need all the printers, etc). Choose the SNOW volume to install (Very similar to Leopard install instructions)

- Should take max 15 minutes.

- Do not reboot

- Close Terminal.


- Post-install SNOW

- Open the Macloader Folder

- Double click on 3_MacLoader

- When asked about EFI partition say y (will require password)

- Where is retail Snow Leopard installed:< SNOW (remember your volume name)>

- Enter preferred boot Timeout (just return)

- Boot in 32bits or 64bits: <you choose. Must type exactly as described in the question>




You have now a Snow Installation and a Chameleon bootloader which will allow you to choose between Leopard and Snow OSX (Google for Chameleon OSX to lear how this works. Its extremely easy and great bootloader).


You should reboot and see the Chameleon bootloader and the SNOW volume selected as default.


When rebooting first time, tap any key before it boots, select the SNOW volume (left/right arrows) the down arrow to boot verbose mode to see what happens when booting.


That is it.


Discharge: Macloader and other apps here where made by several other Hackintosh friends. Not my work.


GOOD LUCK. Let me know if all went ok.




If you have GREY/BLACK screen, Video Card Problem. Any other problems like sound and LAN can be resolved later.

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  • 5 weeks later...

First of all i would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this topic. Your experience and advice is much appreciated.


Take a look at this picture:




Does anybody else get this? It should list ICH7 Controller but it seems to be blank?


Now i have been playing around with device id's for hours but still nothing! This could be related to the LEGACY option for drive configuration in bios, I get the same thing when Selecting NATIVE mode. From what i can tell it looks like OSX is seeing the SATA ports as IDE but still listing them as Serial-ATA device in System Profiler, if that makes sense?


IORegistryExplorer path: IODeviceTree:/PCI0@0/IDE1@1F,2/CHN0@0


Its also listed as a ICH7 device in IORegistryExplorer, so it looks like OSX detects the device but doesn't list it in System Profiler?


Any solutions? Anyone else noticed this? Strange!

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  • 2 months later...


Thanks to all involved with this easy solution.. i have a small problem though n wud relaly appreciate some more help.. Post installation, my pc just doesnt boot into Snow.. it shows some screen.. most probably reading "No bootmgr found", for about a second before loading leopard again...

Thanks for all the help..



Another thing i noted n forgot to mention was that while running 3_MacLoader, it says permission not available or something of the sorts to almost evrything.. even tgh in the end it does say finished successfullly...

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Hello to all


For the date when Apple announce Snow Leopard as a new OS on Mac I try several download x86 based copy from net. I can't figgerout what the problem my pc but my system smoothly run mac os x leopard 10.5.6 from “X Team”. Some copy install but after first restart curser stuck on apple sign top left on the main screen, some can’t boot some show message your system can’t match with kernel . Please help me from these conditions.






My system configuration is


Processor: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2394 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)


Bios Version: PRG 3110H.86A.0052.2008.0612.1910


Mother Boad: Intel DG31PR


Ram: 2 GB


Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT (512 MB)

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  • 1 month later...
Yes I did try many different settings in the BIOS, however the various postings I followed up to the point where I decided to "write for help" did not always specify the changes in the BIOS with regards to my motherboard which is the DG31PR


I saw AHCI in many posts and saw screenshots showing Enable/Disable AHCI, however in my BIOS AHCI doesn't appear anywhere. I assumed its "Use Serial ATA = Enable" please correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, "ATA/IDE Mode = Legacy" also please correct me if that's correct, perhaps it should be Native instead of Legacy.


I am in the process of dling Kalyway 10.5.2, so as soon as I get it I will post an update


As for being limited to 2 SATA ports I have only 2 SATA devices setup for now so its not YET an issue.


I read somewhere that you can have 2 SATA Ports+2 IDE Ports or 4 SATA ports with some kext which I can't remember right now. But that may have been for Snow Leopard.


I got identical board with you DG31PR and both HD and DVD SATA, I don't have any problem install 10.6 in-fact I got 8% more vanilla on my PC using hazard DVD. Be informed that this board support vanilla SnowLeopard no other kernel need, like mine, I just update to 10.6.3 with no problem.


Here is how:

1. Ensure to connect your HD to SATA port0 (important) and put in your DVD to any other SATA port.

2. In BIOS advance>Drive config, DISABLE AUTO MODE, Serial ATA ENABLE and ATA/IDE=Legacy

3. If you are using both USB keyboard and mouse, ENABLE BOTH LEGACY and USB first, you will find some proble with high speed USB, but at this time just enable it first.

4. Restart with your hazard DVD, Select these option upon install

a. Bootloader - Chameleon RC4

b. Graphic - select which you using (x3100 for the in built) but I m using NVIDIA, so I select NVEnabler

c. Audio - ACL888 ( using in built audio)

d. CMOS_reset_fix - ElliotForceLegacyRTCx

e. Patches - SIMBIOSResolver


That all; if you need to connect using high speed USB, just edit your /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist put in this syntax




I recommend that you install 10.6 vanilla first without select 10.6.2 option, because you can do it later by extracting the package inside that DVD.


If anyone got problem with DG31PR to install snowLeopard, just PM me; hazard has good DVD it original from retail you can get it at popular any torrent google it yourself :unsure:

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  • 6 months later...

I got identical board with you DG31PR and both HD and DVD SATA, I don't have any problem install 10.6 in-fact I got 8% more vanilla on my PC using hazard DVD. Be informed that this board support vanilla SnowLeopard no other kernel need, like mine, I just update to 10.6.3 with no problem.


Here is how:

1. Ensure to connect your HD to SATA port0 (important) and put in your DVD to any other SATA port.

2. In BIOS advance>Drive config, DISABLE AUTO MODE, Serial ATA ENABLE and ATA/IDE=Legacy

3. If you are using both USB keyboard and mouse, ENABLE BOTH LEGACY and USB first, you will find some proble with high speed USB, but at this time just enable it first.

4. Restart with your hazard DVD, Select these option upon install

a. Bootloader - Chameleon RC4

b. Graphic - select which you using (x3100 for the in built) but I m using NVIDIA, so I select NVEnabler

c. Audio - ACL888 ( using in built audio)

d. CMOS_reset_fix - ElliotForceLegacyRTCx

e. Patches - SIMBIOSResolver


That all; if you need to connect using high speed USB, just edit your /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist put in this syntax




I recommend that you install 10.6 vanilla first without select 10.6.2 option, because you can do it later by extracting the package inside that DVD.


If anyone got problem with DG31PR to install snowLeopard, just PM me; hazard has good DVD it original from retail you can get it at popular any torrent google it yourself :P


Man you Rock!!! :) Thanks!!!!

I have a new core quad an intel recommended update you BIOS to minimum version 0065, downloading and installing and a USB PROBLEM USBEHCI controller unable to take control from BIOS, USBEHCIApple.....

I was several hours :D

and these lines work perfect






thanks a lot!

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I've been using this mobo a year or so ... And it works well .. Currently upgraded to 10.6.6 without glitch ..

All standard except applehda and hdaenabler ...


Happy hackintosh-ing ...



Man you Rock!!! :D Thanks!!!!

I have a new core quad an intel recommended update you BIOS to minimum version 0065, downloading and installing and a USB PROBLEM USBEHCI controller unable to take control from BIOS, USBEHCIApple.....

I was several hours :D

and these lines work perfect






thanks a lot!

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