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Mac clone

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Interesting. Great find and thanks for sharing. I'm new to OSx86 and was wondering how long has this site been up and running. Anyways i found an interesting article in Macworld, where they completely ignore the entire existance of x86. I'll show that eventually.

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That wikipedia article indicates that the only bad thing to happen to Apple was something stuck up Steve Job's rear.


Maybe there is good reason to think that Apple clones were somehow destroying Apple's profits. But that article only claims that Steve Jobs attempted to renegotiate a contract with clone manufacturers which would make the computers they made incapable of being competitive... What's the point?


Would you rather sell 10 glasses of Lemonade for $5 profit each, or would you rather sell 1000 glasses of lemonade for a $1 profit each? Steve Jobs picked the former.


(bear in mind that at this point in time, Apple's marketshare hovered around 5%. It's less than 2% now)

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bear in mind that at this point in time, Apple's marketshare hovered around 5%. It's less than 2% now


All that says is that the overall computer market has grown faster than Apple's share of it. That doesn't mean very much when you consider that pretty much ALL computer makers have lower marketshare now than they did back then. It's just that there are more companies selling computers, so each individual companies' share is therefore smaller.


While their overall share of the market may be smaller now (but it is at least growing instead of declining), their stock prices and profits are MUCH higher than they were back before Steve Jobs came back. That alone says that he has been doing the right thing for the company.

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I should rephrase my statements. It may very well be that there was a huge problem with cloning. But that wikipedia article doesnt address it. So, to point to the article and say "That proves it", when it doesnt say anything of the kind... well, my view is, if you have a source of evidence for your position, quote it, dont say an article says something when it doesnt.

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