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I have a wierd problem after i updated from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Everything works exept the mounting of USB flash drives (even a external harddrive through USB). My USB keyboard and mouse are working fine. It seems that the system detects the flash drive but it doesn't mount it.


I have tried to replace the IOUSBFamily.kext and the IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext from 10.5.7 but it didn't work. It mounts when i have it plugged in and reboot the system or when i delete some kext from the /System/Library/Extensions/ (or touch the folder). It works for a short while. But after a while i have the problem again. I have no more ideas. Pls help (Sry for my bad english)

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even i have the same problem.. usb was working fine till 10.5.7.. but after the 10.5.8 update it wont mount the usb drive.. but it mounts if i reboot with the usb drive plugged in.. i tried the iomassstorage fix and the usb mount fix but neither worked..

If you have had NOT VANYLLA kernel installed in your system, and replaced it after the update (instead of the kernel the update has installed), then your problem is there. If so you must replace System.kext in System/Library/Extensions folder to the correct version together with your "not vanilla" kernel (usually those kernels comes together with System.kext; see the zip or whatever file you got your kernel packed).

The trick is that the System.kext MUST match the kernel installed in your system. The system will work, but with some bugs eg. you got. Updates usually replace some or all .kexts in System/Library/Extensions folder, there fore kernel and System.kext versions doesn't match.

You may check if it is your's case by booting with -v flag (F8 > -v > Enter). There will be a message about kernel and System version mismatch. Also you can check it by launching the Console.app (located in Applications > Utilities). Select system log in the left pan. This will show you the same output as seen during the boot process.


Hope this is helpful info :rolleyes:


Good luck!

yep that's it @ Das_Human :D


if you don't need a vanilla kernel or you have trouble with, you can search the AnV-XNU-1.4 kernel and install it! it installs the 9.6 xnu-kernel and the 9.6 System.kext


this should solve your usb-auto-mount problems



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