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Okay, I am trying the iPC 10.5.6 build and get Still Waiting for Root device (on install boot).


I only have a SATA DVD, IDE CD and IDE HD. I could remove the CD but I dont think that would do much... unless someone thinks it might help


My mobo does not have support to change AHCI, so that is out of the question


Any other suggestions (other than buy a new DVD Drive)

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But there is nothing I can do without buying something?


(My SATA drive is 500 GB and my IDE is 160 so I cannot use the IDE for backup)


What motherboard is it ? If its one of the ICH or some other compatible chipset, chances are the device ID is not there in the kext's Info.plist. I was having similar issue in installing iPC. I went with iDeneb and it booted with Generic ATA driver. The problem with generic ATA driver is that it shows you only one 128GB drive (atleast for my chipset). Anyway, I went ahead with iDeneb installation and then modified the AppleIntelPIIXATA kext and added my chipset ID (0x25a28086) in the ICH ATA section and voila I had a working system. Later on I learned how to create my own Extensions.mkext and modified the iDeneb and iPC installtion Extension.mkext to add support for my chipset so I can install it natively on my 400GB hard drive.


Give iDeneb a shot if iPC is not working. Then do lspci .. get you deviceid and try to add it in the appropraite kext.

Try iDeneb install .. it has GenericATA driver which iPC lacks (I dont know why) .. so if your IDE/SATA chipset is not supported, GenericATA may rescue you with some limitations (128GB drive visibility , etc). But then later you can change the kext etc to add your chip id in the Info.plist.

The problems is that you have a SATA DVD drive, are you getting SAM Multimedia Read/Write errors along with the still waiting for root device? If so, you need to use the kext mentioned in this thread: clicky


Since you have an SATA drive you can modify the iPC disc using this thread: clicky


In that tutorial use this extension.mkext: clicky


Hope this helps,


Details are in my specs. Is iDeneb AMD supported?


Can I patch the kexts for my SATA controller into my current version somehow? Instead of downloading another version that also might not work?






EDIT: NVM, u answered my question as I asked it





Details are in my specs. Is iDeneb AMD supported?


Can I patch the kexts for my SATA controller into my current version somehow? Instead of downloading another version that also might not work?


EDIT: NVM, u answered my question as I asked it




Yeah I was editing and modifying that post for about 15 mintues...hope the info helps


Also the M2NPV-VM uses the nForce 430 and the GeForce 6150 graphics, not the 630a or the 7050PV graphics

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